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Everything posted by Bigpappa305

  1. Wow old post, Thanks for the suggestion but I found what my problem was some time ago. The Blast furnace will only accept inventory from the top so maybe an unloader into a BC pipe up to the top, then a loader on the side to remove the goods. I'm not sure if I remember if the Coke Oven is the same way but I think it is. But thanks all the same.
  2. Does anyone know if SuperSlopes is compatible with Tekkit? I've seen some things saying it was bukkit ported but I don't know if there are Block ID issues or anything. If anyone is running this or knows if it is compatible pls respond. Looks like it could add a lot of fun just in shaping the shrubs lol. Thanks guys.
  3. Hey guys I have am idea that hopefully a like minded modder would be intereseted in. I think it would be great if you could craft a basket, a rope or wire and an automated draw works to create a mining lift. basically allowing you to dig straight down say and then install this lift and have a few players ride it straight down. and perhaps stop it at certain points if wanted kind of like a window washer basket so you can stop it so far up or down and mine along side the wall. I know you can make frames do this but with this aplication you'd be able to pack this up with you take it to a cave, deploy it and it can take you up or down with a simple rope . what do you think?
  4. thank you for that I found his blog and will be contacting him. thanks again.
  5. Well thank you for at least responding and giving me your honest opinion. Trust me I would try to tackle this on my own but I'm just a gamer, and a programmer by NO means. I even had a hard time trying to use the G.E.C.K for fallout LOL. But if you may know anyone that may be interested, please refer them. The mod doesn't even need to be cars, it could be bulldozers and stuff. It just needs to have something else to use fuel for. Because about the time I get through 3 tanks @ 5 tanks high of fuel I've already started working on my Nuclear plant so the fuel becomes obsolete. Really I just want more things to be able to craft and more things to use resources on. It's really not a transportation thing, because honestly I really like the railcart system.
  6. wow seriously? I am actually offering cash and no one even responds, but I have noticed that many modders have a donate page. So if its a "job" no body wants anything to do with it?
  7. Is there a machine that can clear a large area to bring it down to one specific level? I know the Terraformer can make things level but I haven't used it before, can you stop it? does it affect user placed blocks?
  8. OK so how do I find an Admin? lol i'm better at vehicle mechanics than using some of these forums.
  9. is there a way I can port this post over to that page?
  10. Hey guys I'm sick of the limited amount of stuff currently out that works with tekkit, I'm looking for a Modder or a few Modder's to custom make a tekkit compatible Mod that I am willing to pay the creators for. Real cash from Paypal. Basically I want a mod that brings vehicles to the game. But that is a pretty basic description. I'm talking about being able to craft motors and wheels and everything else. I also would like to be able to craft gas pumps and things that go along with this so that it makes getting all the oil and refining it and doing all these other things in tekkit worth doing. Imagine a large server with over 50 players. you would be able to actually start companies and have players that focus only on certain things to make the world go round. Imagine you would have the oil Barrons and car companies, as well as farmers and construction companies. I could go on but I am for real about this and am willing to pay. I've blown more money on games I don't even play anymore (COD3-BL, Fallen Earth, the list goes on) I'd rather like to pay someone for their hard work than to keep pumping microsoft points into the system. I'm serious about this and if you'r interested (and an acomplished Modder, not looking for any old crap here) please respond. Thanks guys hope to hear from you soon.
  11. Why not just use a Diamond pipe to only allow certain items to come into the macerator? Or i'f i'm not understanding the issue you're having and the real issue is that you are constantly piping items out of a chest to a macerator and the items come out of the chest faster than they are macerated, well then there is a sollution there too. If you have an engine pumping the macerated material out of the macerater to a different chest then here is what you do, after your section of wooden pipe put in a section of redstone pipe, run redstone (or redstone wire) from that redstone pipe to the engine on your other chest filling your macerator. When an item comes out of your macerator and passes the redstone pipe it will send a redstone signal to your input engine and it will pull another item out of the chest and send it to the macerator. It wont pull full stacks but hey you can fill your chest then set it and forget it! Hope this helps.
  12. So what is this block ID and how do I get it /run it? Also would you suggest I build a second server and run tests there? also I am playing SMP I use Technic for SSP.
  13. Ok so I looked at some of the mods on here and I really liked a few but I don't know what bukkit version or forge version I have or if these mods are compatible. The Mods I thought were cool were Better Farming, Camping, and Aquacraft. can you tell me if they should work? I'm running tekkit version 3.1.2 1.2.5. Anything other mods that you guys know work with Tekkit, I'd like to check them out so let me know please.
  14. so is there any sites that have lists of tekkit ready mods?
  15. Hey guys I'm looking for MODS that are compatible with tekkit that I can install on my server. I am already running forestry, but I'm hoping to find something that will add an extra aspect to the game. I found one called tropicraft that had like buried treasure and stuff and that's the kind of stuff I want. Hell I'd love to be able to try to excavate dinosaur remains. I'm also thinking about Millenaire but I dont know if it's compatible. What do I have to look for in mods to see if they are compatible or not? Any mods that you guys know of that I can install please let me know. Thanks guys, happy mining!
  16. Using Railcraft you can make trains by linking carts together via the crowbar. You may be able to make a system of chest carts that each cart would stop and fill from a standard chest by using an Item unloader then have it go to the destination and unload into other chests there via item loaders. Not sure if it will work for every cart but it's worth a shot.
  17. Well I got the mod to load in my client tried the exact same operation with the server and the server will not boot all the way until I remove the file. Also how do I go about installing the NEI and crafting guides for Forrestry? just drop the zip files into the mods folder? Do I have to rename them?
  18. Ok so the tutorial for client side is fairly easy is it the some proccess for the server side? just do the same steps in the server/mods folder?
  19. So i take it Forrestry doesn't work in tekkit anymore? even if I manually install it? Any other really great mods I should look into?
  20. ok I deleted the worlds folder. Thank you. also is there anyway to add anything to tekkit server that Technic has, i.e more mods? Technic has so much more than Tekkit.
  21. Hey guys I decided to create a new world on my tekkit server what files do I need to delete to make a new one?
  22. Hey guys I've reached the point where I need to use a Mass Fabricator so therefore it's time for nuclear power. I have read up on it quite a bit but I still have some questions. I'm planning on using the same type of setup Rob uses in the Youtube tutorials provided by the Wiki. So it will be suspended in air inside of a large reinforced structure surrounded by water with source blocks high enough above so it will never run out of water. I also want to use the Thermal monitors just to be absolutely sure I won't have a meltdown as it sits (high) above my house with EVERYTHING i've made thus far. I'm running 6 chambers and again will be using Rob's layout for the internal components. So I have a few questions, 1. How many Thermal monitors should i have? 2. If I mount the monitor directly on a core will it shut down the reactor if it gets too hot or is any other wiring involved? 3. If Wiring is involved will the water wash it away? 4. Is there a way to do a manual shutoff/on? 5. Any other Ideas? I have some screencaps but don't know how to upload them to this it's asking for a url? if someone can tell me I can at least let you get an idea of what i'm talking about.
  23. Ok so does pumping to system that is full and not allowing water to leave the pipes constitute, nothing to do? Basically can I turn them on when I start my combustion engines and let them pump until the engines actually need water without them exploding?
  24. Ok so the redstone engines absolutely will not blow up? I imagine if i did keep them running all the time it wouldn't allow the levels to get low enough to where it was having a hard time keeping them filled.
  25. Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone has some really great damn near automated cooling processes for combustion engines? I have been running 8 engines powering my HV Generator into my MFSU. They have been running great until i forgot i turned them on and they blew after about 15 mins. I have found that it takes one water pump running 4 steam engines to cool 2 combustion engines quickly enough to fill them back up while running. My setup is working really well except I have to stand around the engines the whole time they are running to know when to turn on the pumps, so i dont overload the pump steam engines and have them explode. I was thinking about using a redstone timer on the feed to the pumps but the timer doesn't work with an adjustable amount of time on. I am not using tanks just pumps and teleport pipes. Anyone have anything better where I dont have to worry about burning up my pump motors?
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