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Posts posted by HaZZoR

  1. Yep... basically me and some friends lumped together voltz and tekkit (lite i believe), removing one or to minor things, we took out treecapitator because it was causing big lag spikes whenever someone cut a log and we've removed solar panels because they're boring

    So i've been doing let's plays for just over a month, almost entirely minecraft (tekkit lite, voltz and FTB) but also dead space 3, and you might have seen my post in here, but i wanted to plop this one here and let that one fall away into oblivion because this Voltzit thing is much more interesting!

    Episode 1 is already up, so why not take a look! episode 1 is a pretty good place to start after all

  2. You have a decent voice and make pretty good content, however, your microphone isn't great quality, is quite fuzzy and picks up heavily on background noise, 1080p is admirable but your system is clearly having trouble with it, the framerate in your videos isn't so smooth, it'd be much better to record smoother footage in 720p than choppy 1080p, there are black bars on the top and bottom of your video, this means your resolution is wider than 1920x1080, not too hard to fix, if you have optifine installed i'd recommend going into the graphics options, and under the "other" menu you'll find fullscreen resolution, switch that to 1280x720 and that will have a great effect on both your performance while recording and it will eliminate those ugly black bars.

    back to the audio, if you're serious about keeping this up, then you must address this, high quality audio is one of the most important things, a cheap tie clip microphone is great, personally i got myself a headset with a great mic, the Logitech G35, ultimately a decent compressor microphone is what you want, but those are considerably more expensive, but seriously, fuzzy audio is really bad and will have a huge impact on the success of your channel

  3. i hope

    under the influence of a one Jesse Cox, i'm here to advertise like a shameless... harlot...

    The Minecraft (and Tekkit) Let's play is something very well done by now, but i hope that by being consistent in uploads and their quality, i can break into it and hopefully gain some momentum, I'll post each new video, which i'm looking to put out bi-daily, that's one every other day, but sometimes it'll be more close to one per day or sometimes slower, my life doesn't stay so constant, I'm still new to this but i've got off on the right foot in my opinion, good audio quality, very good video quality, i record at 120fps in 720p, youtube only displays at 30fps and compresses HD to heck but none the less it looks and sounds pretty good, i've been told that i have a good and not particularly annoying voice, that is of course very much subject to your own opinion, which is why i'd like to ask for your opinion, feel free to leave a comment here or on the video, i'll try to respond to either and am equally thankful.

    I'm doing a Voltz series too now, it won't affect the upload rate of tekkitlite, since they'll both be daily, that's the plan anyway...

    most recent Tekkitlite episode (20)

    most recent Voltz episode (4)

    If you like what you see, share me with your friends, it's the only way i'm going to grow at any notable pace in this "environment" as it were... like, you know that big skype conversation that you don't really often speak in, but you know is pretty active, just pop me in there... do it for grandma

    P.s if there's an embed code that i'm missing somewhere, let me know

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