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Everything posted by raguna5

  1. i can finnish my registration... or log in.. i havent recieved the conformatiion email and my password wasnt registeered. so i cant log on. can someone help me fix this possibly??? this is on hte new forum btw
  2. if its an update, i would prefer a reset. honestly i dont see hte point on continuing with hte current world. its amazing and good. but there are alot of issues with previously griefed/ abandoned buildings lying around and tony ould be a nice installment. also seeing as the vote for reset and towny is wining be a fair margin,(last time i checked) an update before the reset would be pointless.(unless it is a technology based update to increase performance and reduce any lag) can't wait for update... hope it goes through. can wai to get back on hte server
  3. particular reason server is down? is there an update in progress or just down because its down?
  4. also with new map do we have to get our ranks again or do we keep them?
  5. i can log on to the new page -.- says i have a registered but a invalid password. meaning password isnt registered
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