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About DakinX

  • Birthday 01/04/1985

DakinX's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Devilhamster stop spamming the thread. PM for ban appeals. Also I advise you use proper English when requesting an appeal, this "pl0x" crap won't help your case.
  2. That is the only reason the server ever gets whitelisted is during reg/emerg maint.
  3. Not you, we should just get rid of world anchors it seems Also, Buddyboy, there is an edit button you know...
  4. Wonder if they just made you make one and demo it, then you could just make MK3 Flowers instead to reduce load *shrug* regardless a lot of tekkit is about automation, so the EMC farms are only a small part. Solar Array Factories, and what not have a lot more going on generally.
  5. lol, I doubt Scragg would want to lose all his crap again. Something definitely is causing an issue it seems since it hasnt come back up as fast as normal. Or they are taking time to review/fix things maybe I dunno. I know my lag as gotten terrible from a couple days ago. I was 20 TPS 2 days ago, now im at like 8/9 TPS :(
  6. Certainly don't need 20 people going "servers down..." we all know, since we all can't log in. Regardless you can see they are working the issue. as its 4/70 whitelisted.
  7. Locked for Maint. I imagine to fix whatever broke it. Just be patient. Tekkit is buggy and kills servers easily if not careful as a user.
  8. Wonder what broke it this time. Hope it wasnt more facepacks :P
  9. Who keeps breaking the server I have been turning my EMC farms off since I have a ton of material while im working on other projects.. Hmm.
  10. Actually we knew about this last night. Anyhow itll possibly stay open for a bit, so you can prepare then enter. For a few days.
  11. Alchemical bags, 16 colors, like thats like 32 inventories...
  12. Server is down, Blackie is working it to transfer stuff.
  13. Your stuff should be fine, he is just transferring still. you can /spawn to get out of the death loop also. **edit your stuff in your inventory should be fine. Not your buildings its a new map.
  14. Chill out, its being worked. Relax for a bit while it gets sorted.
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