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jack isherwood

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Posts posted by jack isherwood

  1. 1.What version of tekkit

    2. have you updated recently

    3.is the error longer mine seemed longer when i had an error that was vary similar.

    Thank you for replying.

    I'm running the server at 3.1.2, I have not recently updated, and no that is the only errors that are showing up.

  2. Alright, firstly, thank you for taking the time to read and consider helping me, because I have no idea. So I should explain the problem so you may understand what caused it, the server was running perfectly fine at 20.0tps 2 days ago, then there was a little argument between my friend a player, some nukes went off, we were Ddos'd a few dozen times, someone stole our IP's and ports using our host, we ran at 7tps, basically a shitstorm of bad times. We run with a server host which I won't mention, and then our host tried to fix all the errors we had. So then when everything was fixed, we started getting some TPS drops, our host explained it was a plugin we were using causing lag, I found it was votifier, I removed it and the problem was fixed. Then, someone on our network apparently stole our IP, my host tried to fix it, and then when it was fixed we were all playing fine and dandy, again. And now all of a sudden out of the blue, these dozens of errors are coming up and the host is blaming us! And I'm just sitting here like what the actual fuck?

    So yeah. Here are the errors;

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at immibis.core.CoreProxy.RegisterBlockID(CoreProxy.java:24)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.mod_TubeStuff.load(mod_TubeStuff.java:78)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderModContainer.init(ModLoaderModContainer.java:351)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.modInit(Loader.java:263)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods(Loader.java:618)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLBukkitHandler.onLoadComplete(FMLBukkitHandler.java:142)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:176)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:438)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: unknown character

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at forge.Configuration.load(Configuration.java:258)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at immibis.core.Config.<clinit>(Config.java:111)

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] ... 9 more

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: [sEVERE] Unexpected exception

    19:21:48 CONSOLE: java.lang.RuntimeException: unknown character

    I have no idea what I'm doing. Please shed some light on the situation Mr. Experts, I'll give you any information you need.


  3. Umm... that's half the point of Factions. If you don't like it, use Towny or WorldGuard.

    Players start with 10 power, player joins a faction, 1 faction kills another factions members to make that faction loose power, the other faction no longer has enough power to maintain control of their claimed land. The other factions may now claim it. This is how faction wars work. It's one of the primary purposes of the plugin.

    ... I'm not an idiot. I know what factions does.

    Factions has a protection claim command, where you claim land, all objects in the claimed land cannot be destroyed by anyone unless you are raided/overclaimed. Except tekkit containers can be opened by anyone even if they are protected.

  4. Hello there, I've recently started a server with factions on tekkit, however, I've ran

    Into the problem where faction items can be used on others claimed land. I was told there is no way to fix it, but I know there is a fix out there somewhere, it seems most people with the problem just stopped using factions, but I love factions. So I am requesting any developer go create a fix for this problem, I cannot offer much, but can possibly offer money in the near future. Please get in touch, thank you. However, if one already exists, please post a link below, so we can all finally fix it, thank you.

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