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About TKLeader

  • Birthday 07/15/1992

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TKLeader's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. The map had a glitch that had caused it to crash, which I had to fix before replacing it on the server. Also I banned ElPaublo for griefing. I banned him once, because someone begged me and I said not to grief anymore, and then I go around to people houses to use Logblock and see who griefed them, only to find out that it was ElPaublo. Your ban is permanent. Also I have fixed most of the stuff on the old map so it does not whenever someone joins, so it is now on the server again.
  2. It is up now and has Factions running on it.
  3. Server is up and running! I run DD because I am confident the server can handle it. It is a powerful server with a low playercount so that I can run all mods with minimal lag.
  4. Server crashed while I was on a hike, I brought it up just a bit ago.
  5. Thank you! The whitelist was while I tried to figure out what was crashing the server so nobody else crashed it, even though it did overnight while I slept. The server is back up now though.
  6. As made evident by the title and un-lack of an ip-address, I already have one!
  7. The secret is that with 12 slots, there is no lag AT ALL. Worth the lack of lag for less slots.
  8. Server IP!! CURRENT NEWS: Server is up! other news: Working on donator group which will come with special permissions, as a thank you for helping to keep the server up. If I get enough donations, all extra proceeds will go to upgrading. Also working on setting up anti-grief land claim plugin. Towny wont work, maybe factions? Rules are as follows: No Hacking No Cheating No Griefing No Stealing No Random Deathmatch obey me Obey all other admins No racism/ageism. just be nice. Currently there are no disabled mods The Current List of Plugins Running is as Follows: Essentials (for /home, /back) Logblock (to prevent grief, and allow prosecution of griefers) LWC (To protect chests/doors) Factions (in place of Towny) BosEconomy Our current rankings and staff are: Admins: TKLeader (Mark) SgtShittles (Gage) MrApocalypse4F (Brandon) RachaelJean (Rachael) Moderators: Redumulis KieranHill98 Redladoo CrazieMidget (Mingebag) A word on the Hideout: The Hideout Hexxit is an iteration of a Minecraft server/management ethic that I have kept since I started hosting years 'n years ago. This current iteration is rented, so it will have 24/7 uptime (assuming I restart it when it crashes(Hexxit crashes alot)) and is managed most hours of the day. I operate it primarily through my mobile phone (a feat, yes) and is designed to help me achieve a goal, which is to perfect the server to the point that I can play on it with the other players without having to fix shit constantly. I currently pay for this server out of pocket, $35 a month, making minumum wage in the Northwest US, so donations are welcome to help make this easier for me to afford. I will be setting up a way to donate soon. This is a 24/7 server with a low player count, this is a method that allows for all players connected to experience little to no server lag at all. This is not a whitelisted server, but if you join, I expect you to be respectful to others, use common sense, and follow my rules. Donator button! Pictures to come soon!
  9. IGN: TKLeader Age: 20 Project you plan to build: Anything Minecraft experience: I have been playing minecraft for years - I can't remember the version number. I remember it was before water/trees Tekkit experience: Never used tekkit before Why you want to join the server:Hoping to learn Tekkit with a small community
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