Server IP!!
Server is up!
other news:
Working on donator group which will come with special permissions, as a thank you for helping to keep the server up. If I get enough donations, all extra proceeds will go to upgrading. Also working on setting up anti-grief land claim plugin.
Towny wont work, maybe factions?
Rules are as follows:
No Hacking
No Cheating
No Griefing
No Stealing
No Random Deathmatch
obey me
Obey all other admins
No racism/ageism.
just be nice.
Currently there are no disabled mods
The Current List of Plugins Running is as Follows:
Essentials (for /home, /back)
Logblock (to prevent grief, and allow prosecution of griefers)
LWC (To protect chests/doors)
Factions (in place of Towny)
Our current rankings and staff are:
TKLeader (Mark)
SgtShittles (Gage)
MrApocalypse4F (Brandon)
RachaelJean (Rachael)
CrazieMidget (Mingebag)
A word on the Hideout:
The Hideout Hexxit is an iteration of a Minecraft server/management ethic that I have kept since I started hosting years 'n years ago. This current iteration is rented, so it will have 24/7 uptime (assuming I restart it when it crashes(Hexxit crashes alot)) and is managed most hours of the day. I operate it primarily through my mobile phone (a feat, yes) and is designed to help me achieve a goal, which is to perfect the server to the point that I can play on it with the other players without having to fix shit constantly. I currently pay for this server out of pocket, $35 a month, making minumum wage in the Northwest US, so donations are welcome to help make this easier for me to afford. I will be setting up a way to donate soon.
This is a 24/7 server with a low player count, this is a method that allows for all players connected to experience little to no server lag at all.
This is not a whitelisted server, but if you join, I expect you to be respectful to others, use common sense, and follow my rules.
Donator button!
Pictures to come soon!