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Everything posted by FuFu1337

  1. Disable Essentials Protect, it maybe could Block the Breaking of blocks for the Quarry, <-- same error with Worldguard. Just a question by me, does the quarry create Frames? if it does, does after it builds that frames, the Market Area for the Quarry still is visible? <--- thats exactly what happens when a plugin block it.
  2. Well, looks like it fixed itself after i removed every kind of Redpower Logic from that place. means no redalloywire, or transmitter and reciever even Pneumatic tubes. so it seems to be a Redpower Fakeclient, proplem...
  3. run technic launcher as Admin, or use the jar inside of launcher folder.
  4. i know what you mean, try to increase the RAM for the Tekkit, or reduce the Render distance.. if that doesn't help install JDK 7 or JRE 7 for your pc<--- that solves most of this proplems. that happens becouse javas virtual buffer is full and everytime it laggs it trys to empty it. thats a proplem in older java v.
  5. Not even once, becouse i know the Bukkit proplems with /reload! it ever bugs plugins or doesn't stop the mod/plugin before it restarts it! you can use /reload, but look above.
  6. Silent, i hope u didn't understand what i wrote, to say it simple, I DON'T got WorldGuard on this server installed. Just Worldedit!
  7. Try to update your java to JDK or JRE 7 x64, that solves most of the proplems with servers.
  8. Plugins: Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, and EssentialsChat. PermissionsEx <--- Just the Core. <--- becouse of quarry exploids in BlockBreakEvent with Modifyworld. WorldEdit <--- Just the Core <-- becouse of quarry exploids in BlockBreakEvent with WorldGuard.
  9. Title: Liquid not flewing after server Restart. Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7, x64 Ultimate Java Version: JDK 7 or higher Description of Problem: Bug since, 3.0.1 and Older! Using Liquid in combination with Pistons and Block Breaker for doing a Cobblestone Generator, Works until Server Restart. After that Liquid in any kind, doesn't flew down anymore. in that Complete Chunk part. If you want to see it live. Just PM me and i give you the server IP and you can see it yourself! Seems to be a bug. For Log, WE DON'T USED ANY KIND OF CHUNK LOADER BLOCKS IN THE ENTIRE MAP! I think, it could have something to do with Redpower FakeClients, and Wireless transmitter and Reciever. <--- Just a possibility. Error Messages: No Error Log/Message in Console. Error Log:
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