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Everything posted by NeeFoo

  1. NeeFoo


    the server runs perfectly without the mod-.. just need to get in touch with my host about permanently deleting it :O
  2. NeeFoo


    what if i delete the mod? im ofc talking about MFFS
  3. NeeFoo


    is there any way to mass delete em trough mcedit? i have no idead where most of them are D:
  4. NeeFoo


    Ive figured this is happening because of force fields(MFFS) thing is i have no idea how to remove them with the server crashing constantly..
  5. NeeFoo


    Title: MFFS Version: 3.1.2 OS: Win 7 Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: Server crashes as soon as someone logs on.. i have no idea how to solve this :/ Ive searched around on google for a solution, but i cant find a single one Error Messages: Error Log: 27.08 12:54:07 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:467) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:569) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1190) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] INFO at mffs.TileEntityProjektor.q_(TileEntityProjektor.java:338) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] INFO at mffs.TileEntityProjektor.checkupgrades(TileEntityProjektor.java:119) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] INFO java.lang.ClassCastException: mffs.TileEntityReaktorMonitorClient cannot be cast to mffs.TileEntityPassivUpgrade 27.08 12:54:07 [server] SEVERE Unexpected exception 27.08 12:54:07 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:467) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:569) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1190) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] SEVERE at mffs.TileEntityProjektor.q_(TileEntityProjektor.java:338) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] SEVERE at mffs.TileEntityProjektor.checkupgrades(TileEntityProjektor.java:119) 27.08 12:54:07 [server] SEVERE java.lang.ClassCastException: mffs.TileEntityReaktorMonitorClient cannot be cast to mffs.TileEntityPassivUpgrade
  6. does not work with either :/
  7. No worries! I do realise that you were trying to help :P
  8. Already tried that.. has no effect.. And as i said, ive been looking for solution for more than 12 hours now, the /op one is the first one i tried.. Do you really think i would have posted here if i hadnt tried that one first? Like you said; there are many threads about that. But thanks either way!
  9. Title: Quarries wont work Version: 3.1.2 OS: Win7 Java Version: Java 7 Description of Problem: So ive spent the last 12 hour searching for a fix to this problem.. every fix ive tried till now does not work:/ Plugins that i am running that might cause a conflict: - Essentials - GriefPrevention Thanks in advance for any help! Error Messages: none Error Log: none
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