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About nhwalton

  • Birthday 11/20/1990

nhwalton's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. carry both...? the ways they added for doubling or even tripling ores aren't built into the power tool... why would they double redstone generation when there is a perfectly logical solution?
  2. put a lvl 1 enchant on an obsidian paxel or pick axe and you have a very good chance of getting fortune 3. then just mine redstone with that... youll have stacks in no time
  3. SmokeThief has been MIA for a good while. The staff on this posting is current and accurate.
  4. post an appeal on the forums at skyreach.enjin.com
  5. or on a mac go to ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/techniclauncher
  6. was having the same problem... don't know why i didnt think to do this. thanks
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