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Posts posted by LyteWing

  1. Also - some kind of pocket crafting table would be lovely.

    There is already a portable crafting option built in. Make a minium stone from EE3 and put it on your hotbar, select it, and press the C button....there you go...craft away. Each crafting action takes a small bit of the stone's durability but not much and you can make more of them with ease.

  2. Thanks for the info. So nothing is needed on the client side? I looked over it and it looked like it was two part (client/server) but if it only needs to be on the server then that should be no problem for the other people playing.

    I hate that this seems to be the best/only solution to the issue.....as you said, it is a band-aid to treat the symptom and not the true cure to the problem. But at this time it seems our only "fix". I have to agree that the game is much less fun without mobs and I would also agree that it is partially broken without their drops...I need to make a blast furnace and without slime to make magma creams this is impossible......unless I hunt and happen to find enough magma cubes in the nether. Of course that raises the other curious part of this problem....mob spawns in the nether seem to be unaffected so far.

    Oh well...thanks for the info!

  3. Thanks for responding, Fooshftw.

    I have seen the information about the view distance and actually tried it earlier today. My friend had the view distance set to 7 but I read that a view distance of 10 should correct the spawn problem. I took the server down, changed the view distance and restarted the server. Guess what? Mobs started spawning again! The only problem is that it seemed to be only a temporary fix. For some reason after an hour or so mobs started to be rare again....not completely gone like they were before, but they seemed to be getting less and less. So while the view distance does certainly seem to be part of the solution, it is not the whole thing.

    How is the mob spawn control mod you linked in your last post working out for you? If it is working well could you please tell me what you had to do on the server and client side to get it to work? I ask because I have never added a mod to a custom mod pack like Big Dig and don't want to screw things up worse. Plus I have to explain it to up to 5 other people that play on the server so I need to make it as easy as possible for a couple of.....shall we say less that computer competent players.

    If I find anything else out about the issue I will share it here. Thanks for responding again, I was about to think nobody would even try to help. This is obviously a wide spread problem and probably even a long standing bug in Minecraft......I just find it so hard to believe there is so little solid info on it!

  4. I am not sure if this is the exact right place to post this but I hope someone can help me.

    A friend and I have a server we play on that is currently running the Big Dig mod collection (wonderful collection BTW). All was well for a few weeks....we could barely go out at night due to the onslaught of zombies, skeletons, creepers, and spiders. Recently, however, this has stopped being the case. Unless we find a dungeon with a mob spawner there is nothing other than cows, chickens, and pigs. We can literally walk into the darkest of caves or forests in the middle of the night in the pitch dark and be 100% safe. We have checked the server properties file just to make certain nothing changes there but it is still set to survival mode, the difficulty is set to normal, and mob spawning is set to true.

    To be clear, we do not feel this is a problem with the mod pack since this has happened to us with other packs as well...even Voltz and Tekkit. The nether does not seem to be effected as far as I can tell...going there is always a zombie pigman party with ghasts invited. If anyone can shine a light on how we might solve this issue I would be greatly appreciative. Right now I want to make a blast furnace but that is hard to do when no mobs spawn and you can get slime to make the magma creams.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. YEah....this happens alot, and as Casstor said there are lots of posts with "solutions" to the problem. To save you time the "fix" is to upgrade or downgrade your version of Industrial Craft on your server and provide every client that plays on your server with a custom zip file with the version of IC you put on the server. This is a real pain if you ask me. My stance is that as annoying as this bug is, as long as the machines still work properly (which they do) I will wait for the official fix to be rolled into a Tekkit update, which given the amount of complaining about this bug I would hope to be soon.

  6. I have learned two things about manipulators, they have to be on top of the inventory you want them to pull from (and I think maybe they can be on the bottom...not sure), and to make them actually pull an item you have to pulse them with e redstone signal. So unless they just don't work with the chambers all you should have to do is slap one on top of the chamber and set up some sort of redstone pulse. That redstone part is the dealbreaker for me. I mean you already have have to power the things, why do I have to pulse it with redstone?

    Anyway, I hope this helps you.

  7. Add my name to the list of confused people on this subject. Using the TacticalLion tutorial I also built a fusion reactor and it was my understanding that once you gave it the initial jolt of power to get it going that you could have it power itself as it would output more power than it used to keep it going. This appears to not be the case however. When hooked to a battery box it would charge one "tick" (not the MineCraft measurement mind you, just my term for watching the battery charge) and then discharge two for a net loss of power. When I unhook it from it's own power and power it via other means (like solar attached to another bat box) it does indeed make a great amount of power, enough to fill four advanced and upgraded battery boxes that each hold 8 KJ of power in no time. Certainly this is enough to power itself but as soon as it is hooked back up to power itself things go south. This seems like a bug since I have seen several other video that show the fusion reactor powering itself and outputting loads of energy as long as it is fed a supply of deuterium. Any ideas?

  8. A friend and I were also working on this issue. We set up a fairly simple system that removed the near depleted cells and sent a fresh cell automatically using just a timer, two deployers, some pneumatic tube, a chest and some red alloy wire. The trouble for us was we were also pumping ice blocks in and no matter how much we played with the timers we still sometimes got ice where uranium should be. So in the end we came to the conclusion that (at least with our current level of knowledge) there is no practical way to maintain the pattern in your reactor. If anyone else can find a way to do this I would love to hear the details.

  9. I'm not 100% sure but I think there's a problem on line 6 of the doorOpen function "password = read("*")"

    try "password = io.read()" instead.

    As for your main problem, personally I'd write it differently as I can't find any info about Lua's keyboard input codes besides the fact they're not standard ascii ones.

    Try something like:

    function main()



    print(".:Reactor Access Panel:.")

    print("[1] Open Hatch")

    print("[2] Close Hatch")

    print("[3] Exit")

    x = io.read(1)

    if x == "1" then



    if x == "2" then



    if x == "3" then



    print("Input Error")







    Thank you for the input...I just went to try this on the server I was working on and the nuclear reactor I was writing the program for had blown up and took the computer I was writing it on with it...should have made a backup! hehehe Oh well..I will rewrite it and use your adjustments and let you know how it came out. Obviously at this point I should have been less concerned with opening and closing the door and more concerned with how much uranium my friend was shoving into the reactor. hehe

  10. OK...so using what I have learned here and there over the past three days I have cobbled together a program that runs....but does not work properly. It is supposed to show me a menu of three option (one option to open a door, one option to close a door, and one to exit the program). It shows my menu but when I input anything on the keyboard I get the error message for entering an invalid option. Would someone mind looking over my code and see if they can spot my rookie mistake please? Sometimes a fresh set of eyes can really make all the difference.

    doorpass = "whatever"


    function main()



    print(".:Reactor Access Panel:.")

    print("[1] Open Hatch")

    print("[2] Close Hatch")

    print("[3] Exit")

    a, x = os.pullEvent()

    if a == "key" then

    if x == 49 then



    if x == 50 then



    if x == 51 then



    print("Input Error")








    function doorOpen()



    print(".:Reactor Access Panel:.")

    print("!!Password Required for Reactor Access!!")

    write("Input Password: ")

    password = read("*")

    if password == doorpass then

    print("Password Correct")

    print("Opening Hatch...")


    rs.setOutput("right", true)



    print("Invalid Password!")





    function doorClose()



    print("Closing Hatch...")

    rs.setOutput("right", false)




    function exit()



  11. Most likely you only downloaded the tekkit patch for the original texture pack. You will need to download the texture pack itself then place the folders in the tekkit patch you currently have in the texture pack's zipped folder. Then place that whole folder in the texturepacks folder.

    That is exactly what I had done...I realized it shortly after I posted here and corrected my error. Thank you for the help and the speedy answer. I really appreciate it.

  12. OK...I know it is me doing something wrong but I did a search for Tekkit compatible texture packs and found a few. The ones that were 16x16 worked great but any of the "HD" ones that are 32x32 or greater only load the textures for the mods in the Tekkit pack. In other words the machines and tubes and other thinks that were added with the mods look great but the "vanilla" stuff like chests and world blocks and such look like regular untextured Minecraft.

    Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here?

    I am using the latest version of the Technic Launcher and it is set to get the latest build of all the mods.

  13. OK...so using what I have learned here and there over the past three days I have cobbled together a program that runs....but does not work. It shows my menu but when I input anything on the keyboard I get the error message for entering an invalid option. Would someone mind looking over my code and see if they can spot my rookie mistake please?

    doorpass = "whatever"


    function main()



    print(".:Reactor Access Panel:.")

    print("[1] Open Hatch")

    print("[2] Close Hatch")

    print("[3] Exit")

    a, x = os.pullEvent()

    if a == "key" then

    if x == 49 then



    if x == 50 then



    if x == 51 then



    print("Input Error")








    function doorOpen()



    print(".:Reactor Access Panel:.")

    print("!!Password Required for Reactor Access!!")

    write("Input Password: ")

    password = read("*")

    if password == doorpass then

    print("Password Correct")

    print("Opening Hatch...")


    rs.setOutput("right", true)



    print("Invalid Password!")





    function doorClose()



    print("Closing Hatch...")

    rs.setOutput("right", false)




    function exit()



  14. I haven't messed with computercraft in a while so I'm going to be a little light on specifics since I don't remember them. it shouldn't be hard to find the info on the wiki once you know what to look for anyway.

    making it toggle shouldn't be much harder than timed closing. once the password is accepted you can have it display a little message indicating which button to press to toggle the door, then use the pullevent function (I'm pretty sure you don't need pulleventraw) to wait for a key press. when it gets a key press, check to see if it was the correct key and set the redstone output to whatever it needs to be and use a variable to track the door's status. if the variable is true, then the door's open and it should be closed when the key is pressed. if it's false the door's closed and needs to be opened for example.

    you probably also want a second key setup to exit the toggle menu and go back to the password screen. hopefully that helps you out some.

    Thanks for the tip. I will look into this. When I started working on this I thought that I would find the code for this somewhere that I could study and adapt to my needs but apparently I am either the first person that wants to do this or people are keeping it a closely guarded secret. hehe

    As I said in my post, I am brand new at working with lua and learn the most for seeing code examples...the wiki page on events I found is sadly weak in this area but I will keep looking.

    At any rate, thank you for the info, I appreciate it and will put it to the best use I can.

  15. Please forgive me if this is posted in the incorrect place, I would have posted to the ComputerCraft Wiki but every time I try to go there I get a bandwidth exceeded message.

    I just need a bit of help on a project if anyone is willing to help me. I have seen password protected door tutorials online and have successfully made one, but I want to do something different for the reinforced door to a reactor room and can't figure out how to code it to save my life......which is no surprise given I just started dabbling with ComputerCraft yesterday.

    Here is what I want to do....

    I want to have a computer console at the door door to my reactor room, you enter a password and a menu comes up with the option to toggle the door open or closed (all the programs I have seen thus far open and then close it after a time limit, I want it open until I toggle it closed with the computer again.) If possible I would even like a status display on the menu of the status of the door either being open of closed. I know this has to be possible but I just can't do it yet and I have been having trouble finding the info I need on Google and other various places.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you all in advance.

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