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About RPGpro

  • Birthday 03/27/1991

RPGpro's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. 1. What is your minecraft name? RPGpro 2. Do you agree to the rules, stated above? Yes 3. Do you have any questions, not listed in the 'Questions and Answers?' nope. 4. If so, state them here: N/A. 5. Do you have any bans on record? I'm currently banned on 1 other server. 6. If so, why? Due to a bug, that server's admins are looking into it but they're unable to find any reason the server tells me I'm banned or any way to fix it. 7. Why are you interested in SilliHex? I'm looking for a hexxit server that's stable and doesn't crash frequently, yet also doesn't have the DD mod disabled (I love raiding those pocket dungeons, lol) 8. Have you played on any other Hexxit servers? yes, 5-10 so far, all open (non-whitelisted) so far all have issues with lag/crashes/griefers. As an added note: I'm extremely proficient with almost all of hexxit's mods but I excel particularly with tinker's construct. I'm also extremely good with the towny plugin, although it's a long time since I last used it. I've also moderated on 3 or 4 tekkit servers, been an Admin on 2 and setup-and-run several small private servers for me and a couple of friends. All of these servers have since shut down. edit: dunno why my post got filled with whitespace but it won't let me delete the spaces...>_>
  2. place a restriction tube off to the side of the tube between the transposer and the first sorting machine, connect a chest to this restriction tube, this is your "overflow" for "junk" items, consider a method to dispose of the contents of the chest. The problem is caused by the transposer taking ANY item out of the chest, if the sorting machine doesn't handle that item, it has no-where to send it and hence holds it. Items will ONLY go through a restriction tube if no other option is available, i.e. If the sorting machine can't handle item x then x goes through restriction tube if sorting machine CAN handle item x (and has power) then x goes to the sorting machine.
  3. use another bat-box, connect the first 2 to the 3rd, and the 3rd to the energy link, set the one connected to the energy link to not output power if redstone is present, set the other 2 to output redstone power when below half-full, connect redstone from those 2 to the other one. result: when either of the 2 rear bat-boxes is below half power, the front one will stop outputting power to the quarry, causing the power in all 3 bat-boxes to charge, when the rear ones again rise above half the front one will resume output, at this point it is fully charged as the rear ones wouldn't be above half otherwise. you could then use some basic redstone circuitry to prevent the front one from switching off at night (an "AND" gate and light detector maybe? not got tekkit running atm and can't remember what redstone stuff is in it). One option for a "light detector" is a solar panel connected to the energy link via a detector wire (can't remember the exact name) this will output redstone whenever the solar panel outputs EU (during the day).
  4. use an energy link combined with some IC2 power/storage The setup would look something like: generators -> energy storage -> cables -> Energy Link -> forestry machines note the energy link REPLACES the engines, plugging it into an engine would cause said engine to overheat very quickly. for generators, use either solar panels, solar arrays (LV, MV or HV) or a geothermal generator which has lava cells pumped into it from an energy condensor.
  5. Try removing the transformers, connecting the MFSU directly to the energy link, it might be that the quarries are only just receiving power due to the low voltage+distance (I think warp pipes reduce the power by an amount based on the distance teleported) besides which it'll speed up the quarries. Also try re-placing the quarries, could be that they just bugged out...
  6. they're a bit buggy on servers though... using an MFFS to detect, control and respond to the reactor temperature change would be good though
  7. I'm not 100% sure but I think there's a problem on line 6 of the doorOpen function "password = read("*")" try "password = io.read()" instead. As for your main problem, personally I'd write it differently as I can't find any info about Lua's keyboard input codes besides the fact they're not standard ascii ones. Try something like: function main() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) print(".:Reactor Access Panel:.") print("[1] Open Hatch") print("[2] Close Hatch") print("[3] Exit") x = io.read(1) if x == "1" then pcall(doorOpen) else if x == "2" then pcall(doorClose) else if x == "3" then pcall(exit) else print("Input Error") sleep(2) pcall(main) end end end end
  8. The server I play on has the exact same problem, with 1 small exception, a few people can place distribution pipes that DON'T causes people to crash, while other people's pipes cause random people nearby to crash every 30 seconds to 5 minutes. sometimes EVERYONE nearby crashes, other times only 1 or 2 people crash.
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