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Everything posted by lux55

  1. In Game Name:lucxy55 Age:13 Skype:lucxy55 How long have you been on this server: 1 day Reason for wanting position: To Help The Server Out What experience do you have: i Own A Server Why should I pick you: If You Pick Me I Will Keep The Server Safe From Greifers And Hackers Dedicated time you can put into server: more than 6h a day in summer holidays What rules would you enforce as Mod, and why? al of them so i can keep the server safe Example 1 - Someone has a banned item but is refusing to hand it over. What do you do? if i can /invsee and take it of them if not i would get the owner to get to hand it over! Eample 2 - Someone has pvped but is claiming they haven't and it has resulted in arguing and caps rage etc. What do you do? If I See Them I Will Kick Them For Aurguing With STaff
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