DadeTekk (
Introducing DadeTekk, the premier multi-sharded Tekkit server. DadeTekk is comprised of 10 separate servers, each running a single world, all of which are linked together with shared inventory and money. We have a number of public worlds and a few exclusive member only worlds.
2 Public Shards - Where you can build to your heart's content
1 Creative World - Test your Tekkit inventions before building them for real.
2 Events Worlds - Spleef, War & Hunger Games
3 Subscriber Only Worlds - Offering seamless game play and unique perks.
DadeTekk Features
Multi-Sharded World: No longer multiple worlds cramped onto one server instance thanks to the Transporter Plugin!
Re-Balanced PVP: Quantum, Gem, RM & DM Armors all balanced for fair, fun PVP.
Towny Server: Build a mighty nation to crush your foes and protect your homes & people.
Short, effective tutorial! Free public workshops! Suitable for new players & veterans alike.
As little as possible is disabled. We love Tekkit and it's features, so we try to disable as little as possible to keep the game fun and balanced.
DadeTekk Rules
No Hacking/Cheating (Obviously) This includes any hacked client or x-ray pack. We will catch and ban you.
No Exploiting. If you find a glitch report it, if you exploit it we'll find out and you probably won't get off so lightly.
No Spamming (Another obvious one) Don't advertise your own servers or spam profanity when you die.
Don't ask/beg for stuff: Rank-ups are given after playing for a while and items will never be spawned for you. Its Survival, not Creative.
No lag devices: Banks of flashing lights, sand loops, malicious ComputerCraft scripts will find your machines destroyed or yourself banned.
No crying! Grief is allowed if you have not protected your home with Towny. You can also be killed anywhere, so be on your guard and build defensively!
Have fun. If you have a problem talk to an Agent
DadeTekk Restrictions
Regrettably, some items need to be restricted and they have been. Some items are available to Residents (after 7 hours of playing). Other items are flat-out banned. I won't mention the obvious things like duplicators which all servers should have disabled.
DadeTekk Staff
Our staff is chosen from the community for hard work, helping others and a dedication to the players and server harmony. We have a team of "Agents", chosen from the community who will assist you with any issue you may have before you need to contact Moderators or Admins
DadeTekk Plugins
Towny, LWC, Essentials, DynMap, Transporter, PVPLogger, PEX & Various anti-cheat and anti-lag solutions.
The Hardware
Quad Xeon x5570 (32 Total CPU Cores)
1GBps Fiber
Raid SSDs
Useful Links
Website & Forum:
Teamspeak 3, Connect to:
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