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Everything posted by TwinbladeTM

  1. I am trying to set the server up for a gaming community. Tekkit still refuses to work, even when using the Root IP of the server box. I'm very disappointed that it STILL will not function correctly. There SHOULD be a way to force the IP, if it's based on bukkit. I have NEVER had this sort of problem before. I've always set the IP in the server.properties file, becuse I have a block assigned to use for Minecraft related servers. I'm getting really tired of doing exactly what you stated above, deleting and restarting from scratch, and getting no results. I can start it, get all the files to generate, but I cannot get INTO the server because I can't set the IP.
  2. Title: Server is not working on Server Box Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows Server 2003 (?) Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: I ran a test server of tekkit 3.1.2 locally, worked fine via localhost. HOWEVER, when I move the files to the Server Box I am using, it does several different things. A) It first hung on Railcraft. I deleted Railcraft. Then it showed as booting, but I could not once get it to show up in the Server Browser, nor could I Direct Connect to it. I did add the IP to the server.properties file, and the ports are forwarded correctly. Now I've reinstalled tekkit, and I'm getting nothing. No start up at all. This is starting to frustrate me, as I haven't had these issues on ANY of the other Bukkit/Vanilla servers I currently run. This seems limited to tekkit. I've searched online, and can't seem to find this specific problem. Error Messages: N/A Error Log: N/A
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