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Everything posted by Jesstiggs

  1. That did the trick, thank you very much, hope it's ok to put the link you posted in May last year here, in case anyone else has the same problem. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/19344/685037/intel-graphics-windows-dch-drivers.html
  2. I have recently purchased a Win 11 Laptop, I downloaded the Technic Launcher and Tekkit Classic, then copied the %appdata% from the 10 machine to this one, hopefully the attached screenshots will be able to show what the problem is, I've also copied the log, which means nothing to me. I have read a couple of posts from last year with the same/similar problem, both were told to downgrade their graphic driver, don't want to do this before confirmation it's the right thing to do.Technic Console.txt
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