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Everything posted by Luneth14

  1. I'm pretty sure its not that. Minecraft works fine through it's own launcher, and through curseforge launcher, its only when I try to play mods with the technic launcher that it gives me any issues. EDIT: I just tried playing while monitoring the temp, and it only went up as high as 163°F (or about 72°C) a fairly normal temp for running games.
  2. Going off of 8GB allocated, the used varies from 12% to 34% depending on the modpack, still stutters every few seconds though. I've tried going down lower to 4GB, but the stutter issue doesn't stop and the only change is that used memory % is twice as much as it was in 8GB.
  3. No matter what modpack I play, even official Technic ones, the ram allocation is at 100% and the game stutters every 5-6 seconds. I have 32GB ram and have tried every launcher option up to 16GB, but no matter what the mods all cap out the allocated ram at 100%. For example if I start up vanilla Minecraft from the normal Minecraft launcher, with 8GB allocated the game will say 86% allocated when I hit F3, so its something weird going on with the Technic launcher for me.
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