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Everything posted by Cyberren

  1. Go to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/products/80939/graphics.html, click 'Get Started', it should show three updates. Download them, then click Install and it will ask you to update and restart so do that, then go back to the page, scan again, and click Install. Run it through and it should work now - just thought I would give getting this to work another go after giving up ages ago and thankfully their new driver seems to have fixed it!
  2. Go to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/products/80939/graphics.html, click 'Get Started', it should show three updates. Download them, then click Install and it will ask you to update and restart so do that, then go back to the page, scan again, and click Install. Run it through and it should work now - just thought I would give getting this to work another go after giving up ages ago and thankfully their new driver seems to have fixed it!
  3. I'm not sure if anyone has found a fix for this. My laptop can run normal Tekkit and normal Minecraft completely fine, although it cannot run Tekkit Classic. I have tried uploading images however it is not currently letting me do so, but the textures essentially look completely smooth with no detail at all, and once loaded in, the inventory screen is also bugged out completely. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Tekkit Classic, the Technic Launcher, and Java, ensuring all updates are completed on the laptop, and have even tried older versions of Java but to no avail. Since it is only Tekkit Classic that does not work, I assume that one of the mods in the pack is the culprit but have no way of knowing which one. I have also tried allocating different quantities of RAM but again, this has not worked. One of the fixes I have tried that was suggested to me was to install an older version of the Intel GPU however I cannot find one that works - and you can only find downloads for older versions going back so far. If anyone has any idea how to fix this then please let me know. Managed to attach a screenshot. It is fixed! I went to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/products/80939/graphics.html and clicked 'Get Started' and it bought up 3 driver updates that must be quite new. Got them downloaded and installed and it seems to all be working now. Fingers crossed!
  4. My girlfriend bought a new laptop with the express purpose of being able to play on Tekkit Classic with me. I installed it all and set it up but whenever I load into the game most of the graphics bug out. Whenever I mine a block of anything, my inventory turns plain white, or plain black, and the graphics of my surroundings disappear completely or turn a plain black, grey, or brown. It is unplayable as you cannot make sense of anything around you. I have seen that backdating the driver will get it to work but my laptop won't let me install a previous driver. I have tried turning off the firewall, turning integrity off, allocating more RAM to Tekkit and the Technic Launcher, using a texture pack, and uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times but nothing works. I have tried loading up normal Tekkit and that seems to work pretty much fine - very minor graphics bugs but definitely playable. Nothing I do will get this to work and we are passed the point of being able to return the laptop. Are they are techniques or tips that I haven't tried?
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