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Everything posted by Nightshade1432

  1. I have tried several times to download the technic launcher to be able to play the crafting dead but ever single time I have tried to download it with the Windows option, it comes back with an error message stating that "This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0" I have tried google and Youtube and I have no clue what to do to fix this issue. Can anyone help me solve this issue. I have a Windows 11 Pc I got from Walmart.com
  2. I have tried several times to download the technic launcher to be able to play the crafting dead but ever single time I have tried to download it with the Windows option, it comes back with an error message stating that "This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0" I have tried google and Youtube and I have no clue what to do to fix this issue. Can anyone help me solve this issue. I have a Windows 11 Pc I got from Walmart.com
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