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Everything posted by ampenergy33

  1. Your in-game name: ampenergy33 Why do you want to join our server?: Been looking for a new non PvP server after last one got shutdown. Why JWL?: Looking for any server that is no pvp. Something about yourself: I'm 14, like to go to the moon (In-game of course.), I go alone most of the time.
  2. Go ahead and go to run (Windows key+R) and type in %appdata% (Keep in the %'s!) and go to your .technic then go ahead and delete tekkitmain. If you want to save the servers go and drag servers.dat onto your desktop. Go ahead and run your tekkit and let it update. (Make sure its on the right build!) If you decided to save your servers.dat go ahead and go back to the tekkitmain folder after you have finished the force update and drag in the servers.dat. If you already have a servers.dat you can replace it and all the servers you had before will be there. Hope this helps!
  3. Ah dude this is the absolute BEST server. It's not being overrun with griefers and trolls. I recommend everyone apply and join!
  4. Age: 14 IGN (In Game Name) ampenergy33 Why Do you want to Play on this Server? I'm new to the new tekkit and thought I would start off on a no pvp, no grief server. What Do you want to Build? With all the space stuff I was thinking of making a house out of a space station. Or on the moon. Either one as long as its in space!
  5. I think it was fixed in the update.
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