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Everything posted by BastiDE

  1. Hi, the Tekkit-Launcher announce a Updata. When I see to the options I see, its possible Tekkit 3.0 to download. The Problem: Where can I (as Serverowner) download Tekkit 3.0?
  2. remove the complete world-folder and then restart the server. It will create a fully new World!
  3. oh damn. So i must wait for a newer Tekkit-Version.
  4. Hi, iam searching the Monitor in TMI. But cant find it. And crafting is also not working. But i read often, that the Monitor is aviable on the SMP. Please help me, i need this thing. Basti
  5. no answer?
  6. wow, you be one of the first who know what is the "DE" in my name. :D
  7. ah, i think it comes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, ... There comes enaugh Versions where we can hope. :D
  8. Some Rules for the Signal: - no curve - max 140 blocks (i think) - max 3 blocks away from the track - when you build a 2-way track (2 tracks side by side) then make it on the free side, where is no track when this all is okay, then remove the camera and usw a new camera. This is on my server very often. The new camera fix this.
  9. yes its not needed, but a nice addition. Makes fun to fly :D
  10. cool down!!! I dont say: I NEED PLANES MOD NOW. I wish it me. Not more. I dont talk about any time. Why you so angry?
  11. Hi, Iam very happy when you add the planesmod. Thx Basti PlanesMod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/182918-11smp-flans-mods-planes-ww2-guns-vehicles-playerapi-moods-mputils-teams/#Planes MOD EDIT: Basti my boy/girl! Don't sign your posts guy. Sneaking it in the body of your post though was tricky tricky!
  12. Hi, i have an nice Request for all Serverhoster (which use Tekkit). I wish me an Loader-Maker. Where I can create an Loader only for my Server. With my own backgroundpicture and my own Newsstream (eventually). And (for the devolper of Tekkit) a BIIIIIG Tekkit-Logo with Link. When the User makes the login, he connects imidiate to the Server. And the Loader checks the version, which is running on the Server and loads it, when older/more actual. This is my wish Basti Don't do this
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