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Everything posted by Jayfelt

  1. Its funny i found this suol. All by complete random too lol. But we still need help still having this problem with 0.6.1. We have to download mm power suit mauley for some odd reason
  2. See Suol. Told you that you need to update the fourm cuz everyone's clueless lol
  3. Make sure you update you Tekkit Lite to 0.6.0 people before you join.
  4. Needs to get fixed, Its going to hurt 0.6.0 servers. I know with the old launcher the mod installed fine.
  5. It worked. Qustion is why wasnt i able to install it with the tekknic pack??
  6. Im trying the jar file now ashkorewd
  7. My tekkit server is spouse to be stander 0.6.0 mods Try and see what happens for you guys IP: Tekkit.crucraft.com
  8. So witch do i want then?
  9. I am useing 0.6.0 and on 0.6.0 servers
  10. Every time i try to join a server it says that im missing mmmpowersuits : 0.2.2-170 Iv tried somethings but nothing i did has worked. Please help =)
  11. Server was fixed of most errors and now upgraded with more RAM!
  12. Batbox and MFSU now fixed as well
  13. Servers back up. Most issues fixed. Give us time and will be tip top
  14. 1. Mod 2. I like to help out with servers 3. -Iv help run a sever -I can most commands and things like that -I can make a website if you need one -Id be on mostly all the time 4.18 5. EST 6. Almost 24/7 lol 7. haloteam11 Also if you need to get ahold of me my skype is jayfelt
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