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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hi Guys Considering setting up a temporary server, fresh start with nothing disabled, no factions or anything just a group of people cooperating to see how far/fast we can get up the tech tree. Would be willing to put it up now, and if people get into it on an evening (UK Time) if anyones up for it? Let me know if your up for it and i will get start it up I havn't posted this in the server section as it isnt for a proper nor full time server. Apologies if i annoy anyone with this.
  2. Yeah i think i've donated to all the big cheeses in the technic pack by now, hope you guys get some ads or something up, if i cant help you directly then passively will have to do. Thanks for all the hard work on the pack guys, keep it up!
  3. Holy crap, a Terabyte? i would shudder to get your hosting bill. If you come up with a way to get funding i'll happily join in, even if it means clicking on adfly links for a few years . Edit: Just put up a donation link to keep the launcher going, it's so nice having that awesome way to launch vanilla minecraft... <_< >_>
  4. I for one am extremely greatful, saves me having to edit all the config files and mods manually everytime mc updates. wish there was a way i could donate to you guys.
  5. /v/ has mods? holy shit i thought that was a myth or something.
  6. Re: Automated obsidian to diamond creator. Very nice system, going to make a copy in my world now thanks! On the trans table issue, you need to delete a file from your save folder for the world in question called tablet.dat. The file in question will be in your data folder, this file sometimes gets corrupted but doesnt recreate itself so you end up not being able to keep your tablets memory when you quit. If you delete it, the next time you load your world it will recreate.
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