IGN: dude31027
Age: 14
Project you plan to build: A Factory! (Not sure what I will make though :/)
Minecraft experience:I have been playing since 1.5 Beta
Tekkit experience: I have been playing since 1.7.3, I know it all
Why you want to join the server: To have fun :D
In-Game Name: dude31027
Age: 14
Experience with Tekkit: Lots, since 1.7.3
Did you read the rules?: Yes, No Griefing, No Hacking...
Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link:
Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]:
IGN: dude31027
Age: 14
Timezone: GMT
How long have you been playing tekkit: Since 1.7.3 of minecraft , Its so fun
How often will you be on the server: Probably quite a lot if I don't get griefed :/
Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional):Yes, If needed
http://whitelist.mcf.li link:
Why you received the bans (If Applicable): Never been banned
Minecraft username: dude31027
Age: 13
Location: England
Tekkit or Technic experience: I have played Tekkit/Technic for a while now and love to mess around with it all, I like to build stuff like Factories and automated systems
Bans on other server (we will do checks): Nope, I abide by all rules!
Anything else (about you etc.): Cant Wait! :D