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About Gigabitten

  • Birthday 10/06/1990

Gigabitten's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Gigabitten


    Hmmph. Yeah. Just relocated to 7 kilometers away. But that ravine thing sounds like fun! I think I'll do that!...Can taint spread through bedrock?
  2. Gigabitten


    Guys? I need help! BAD!
  3. Gigabitten


    Are all teleportation seals this devestating? I know the wiki had a warning about this, but I didn't know it was this bad. In ten minutes, I went from a nice house to this:
  4. So, the mighty power of Google didn't get me anything. I have researched two things that say that enchanting them with this spell will give a weapon a certain ability. The first is the vampiric enchantment, and the second is the relic hunter enchantment. I have three questions about these: 1. How are these enchantments applied to an item? A plain enchantment table gets me nowhere. 2. Can one enchantment discovery be used multiple times on multiple items? 3. Can one item be given a multitude of these 'special enchantments?'
  5. And I'm in Technic too, if you didn't catch that. Now, my main problem IS shift. Anything else is basically useless to me.
  6. @Korialstrasz - Nope. Not sticky keys. Sorry. @Vincentw 1 - Your fix works for everything that isn't shift. I'm in Technic, not Tekkit.
  7. So, over time, I have become a heavy user of the shift-click shortcut. But, almost every time, it gets stuck within five minutes of doing so. Less often, clicking an item will make it drop completely. Both of these problems will not fix without a restart of java.exe. Can't restart the world, but the whole process must be shut down. And, no, pressing right shift does not help. This is all happening under Ubuntu 11.04(yeah, it's outdated - that's another story) and under Technic.
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