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Everything posted by salutwww

  1. salutwww


    Sorry if I don't put my mouse on every little forum topic, it's the first time I see a forum that shows a description of the topic when we put our mouse on it. When I see a topic named REQUEST, I go in and I read the first post, which normally, in a good and well built topic, is way enough to understand what the topic is about. It's not my fault if the first post and the title aren't clearly explained and it didn't crossed your mind that your not the only one ,you English people that uses Technic. It's not everyone that has facility with English, so when a topic isn't clear, it can easily create mistakes. And your little hostile comments and your insults doesn't help neither, you know could just explain and it could be all over and it would be way nicer to new people on the forum.
  2. salutwww


    Oups, sorry guys, but the first post wasn't so clear about it. It says that this post is for mod request, so i thought the three pages was mod request pages, so I came to the last one and i read the posts that was on it. It was still mod requests, so what do you think i thought this discussion was about? Seriously, i tried to find a suggestion discussion before I wrote this post, but I didn't find any. I'm gonna try to find the good subject for the suggestion, even it doesn't seem to be clearly shown. Sorry again. PS: If you wanna stop all the misplaced post, maybe leaving a note on the front page would be a nice idea. ;)
  3. salutwww


    It would be nice if the modders could add the mod Plasmacraft to Technic and Tekkit. Like the others mods it add other technic items, weapons, crafts, ores and liquids. I think it would be a GREAT thing to add it to the mod list. Here's the link to the website for more info: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1305647-125smpssp-plasmacraft-030-the-legacy-continues62212/
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