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Bryan Johnson

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About Bryan Johnson

  • Birthday 08/28/1971

Bryan Johnson's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Server's giving me a 503 repsonse and i'm only seeing 1 person on it.... Oh right... stupid Auth server issues. Suck... MC is annoying.. grrr :)
  2. Kindof thought the point of the post was pretty plain and clear. 1. Kindof regretting donating because ever since about 2 minutes after I donated... I've lost more than i've gained? 2. We're supposed to post what we feel about the server... and right now... pretty much was cut and dry. Regretting it. 3. And the Last point is a major loss in property and balance. This has partially been remediated by Guelmy, Thanks Guelmy! He gave me $00k balance back so i wouldnt lose my main property and now I am only 3 properties in the hole. $60k balance. ... Lastly. I am a Computer Engineer with a BS: CSIS. I used to run Linux servers for the University of Texas for their genetic research. Hence I stated "I might be able to help with that.". These down times appear to occur every evening right about 10:30-11pm CST (my time) and last till the next day. Which is my direct time to play, so i notice it a lot. It's got a consistency. There are a host of possible issues. I'd have to look at the Linux box's OS and see. Is the machine itself going down, or just the minecraft server process? If the admins are asleep during this time, make me a staff and let me restart those processes for you. I'm up and can watchdog it while the owners are asleep.
  3. Reporting this from another site: Twitch... Sigh... I'm really starting to regret donating to the site. Why is it that I seem to be getting hit hard by every maintenance that happens? You openned up the plot purchases so I went and bought 4 properties along the water. I was going to dig down and build a foundation and found ocean under my 4 plots. $80k devoted to having to fill in ocean under apparent 1 layer of earth that was smoothed over to make land. Could someone world edit this and make ground...ground? I spent hours just walling off the ocean and trying to remove the water source blocks or fill in with sand... and I wake up to find the server still down from last night. I hear the system turns itself off and you're trying to figure it out. I might be able to help with that. There are a number of Linux possibilities. Who owns the Box, they should be able to assist with this unless it's on a box at a university and not actually being hosted by a service company? The actual problem is that when I logged on here at 4:30pm CST, my balance shows $0 and I am missing all 4 of the properties that I have been trying to level off manually... I had $385K AFTER I'd bought 4 plots. ($465,000 total without properties returned) Now I have to go to work this evening and fear that I will lose my MAIN building because my balance has been flatlined. PLEASE return my balance to me, as this is either a staffer griefing (since noone else seems to have lost their money) or someone took the property from me and screwed up my balance in the process. Which would be incidental griefing. Please fix this at your earliest convenience so that I dont lose my current plot. Past effects: I've lost my alchemy bag inventories twice now... and I'm really annoyed. I stopped using these bags until such time as they are not being messed with any longer. - DeZwarteMaan
  4. Just got back home. Kewl... cant wait for the new server to go live. It will be done when it will be done. Believe me, nothing about transferring a server is easy. Used to run Battlefield servers. Those had automated installers and a GUI for tweaking the server. From what I gather, this code is a lot more bulky. Take your time blackie! Last thing we need is the world to be inverted and everyone falls to their death in the sky.. j/k lol
  5. Thanks... didnt notice my account didnt have my ingame name on it. My ingame name is DeZwarteMaan Cya in the game.
  6. Blackie_life, I was robbed and Korra told me she couldnt replace the stolen item. I was up above the ground and moving my solar kits. I wrenched the MV array and it fell into my basement. I was waiting for neighbors to build before I built a building. So I watch my MV array fall and i notice someone down below. He moves and I cant read his nametag(i have to be close to read them), and so i jump down to see whom it was. He ran up my stairs and down the way. I tried to chase him but I didnt catch him. I remember the skin, and I believe his name started with an A. I dont even know what rank he was. Sigh. So Korra closed ticket #21 because I dont know the name of the rogue, and it was a ticket that had been open a couple of days. So no inventories could be checked. -------- Server incident where multiple individuals had total inventory wipe. i had RM tools, DM hammer, swiftwolf rending gale, tablet, klein sphere, some red matter because i was upgrading the DM hammer... and a lot of loot because i was mining my 16x16 area to the bottom when server erased it all. You asked us to log off for 3 minutes and you'd fix our inventories that got wiped. When we logged back in, the tickets were all closed... Korra suggested we rewrite those tickets and we were still waiting for the inventory reload. Your suggestion to reload the inventory, from old save, & unlock of the /kits should fix the missing items. I know that you are busy and working hard, but not having them has detered me from building my building, fixing my hole, and donating to the server.
  7. Midnight 9/4-1am 9/5 server down. Is it bad? Not able to connect to it again.
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