Blackie_life, I was robbed and Korra told me she couldnt replace the stolen item.
I was up above the ground and moving my solar kits. I wrenched the MV array and it fell into my basement. I was waiting for neighbors to build before I built a building. So I watch my MV array fall and i notice someone down below. He moves and I cant read his nametag(i have to be close to read them), and so i jump down to see whom it was. He ran up my stairs and down the way. I tried to chase him but I didnt catch him. I remember the skin, and I believe his name started with an A. I dont even know what rank he was. Sigh.
So Korra closed ticket #21 because I dont know the name of the rogue, and it was a ticket that had been open a couple of days. So no inventories could be checked.
Server incident where multiple individuals had total inventory wipe. i had RM tools, DM hammer, swiftwolf rending gale, tablet, klein sphere, some red matter because i was upgrading the DM hammer... and a lot of loot because i was mining my 16x16 area to the bottom when server erased it all.
You asked us to log off for 3 minutes and you'd fix our inventories that got wiped. When we logged back in, the tickets were all closed... Korra suggested we rewrite those tickets and we were still waiting for the inventory reload.
Your suggestion to reload the inventory, from old save, & unlock of the /kits should fix the missing items.
I know that you are busy and working hard, but not having them has detered me from building my building, fixing my hole, and donating to the server.