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Posts posted by Lukasz

  1. IGN: mancuss

    Age: 26

    Skype: Yes, but I will not post it.

    How long will you spend on a day: depends on my work, but im usually free on Sundays - Wednesday

    Reason for wanting to join: I like playing tekkit, and I'm bored of playing alone

    Favorite build: Factories like HV array factory etc :)

    A little about yourself: I Don't like griefing, like to play with other ppl ,and hoping to maybe do some big project with other players

  2. Ingame Name: mancuss

    Age: 26

    Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes

    Amount Played (If Yes): a few months of tekkit and a few months of minecraft.

    Tell us why you would like to play on our server (Multiple Sentences Please):

    Looking for friendly environment where I can play the game and see what other players are building to get some ideas from other players, and maybe build something big and nice with someone.

    Previous Bans:


  3. Your In Game Name: mancuss

    Your Age:26

    How often are you planning on playing: a few hours a day, usually working weekends so not playing that much then.

    For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: automatic HV solar array factory..

    For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: Hoping of getting some more experience in building nice buildings

    For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: Looking for a server where I can play with nice people, from whom I can inspiration and maybe inspire someone as well :)

    Additional Comments: hakuna matata!

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