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Posts posted by TimelordJax

  1. IGN:Timelord_Jax


    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?:Once recently, i had taken 2 stone slabs and about 10 wooden logs from a village these guys were massively greifing using EE like little fools, i actually was taking down one of the stone wangs one was making. I had even tried to LET THE ADMIN know about it! he was on!.... (still got banned and don't feel like appealing on that server if they are going to be douches like that)

    WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? I have explored all of the possibilities of normal minecraft and gotten bored with them.. building insane stuff just has lost it's value.

    WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? Well.... i can bring advice, i can be extremely helpful.... I will gladly make people stuff, for free or paid, depending on the item/how much they need it/how expensive. (like if they really need something and it's hard for them to get, i will just give it to them, but if they are being lazy, i will ask for compensation)

  2. IGN:Timelord_Jax

    Reason for wanting to become a member: I want something different from the "run of the mill" tekkit server, mine got boring, and you have all the good parts of EE enabled

    Why should we accept you:I am very "learned" in most tekkit mods (i am still learning allot of the more advanced stuff, and how it works, but i have basic knowledge down, allot of intermediate-type knowledge and some advanced knowledge of items, how they work, and what they do.

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