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Posts posted by mii415

  1. Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    7u3 64 java

    bit defender antivirus

    Hi, I am posting this because my previous post was deleted. My question is to the post on http://www.technicpack.net/ about Tekkit being updated so that 2.1.0 would be the rec. build. and launched by default. For me, this has not happened. Now I have looked for a while now for why, but can not find an answer. I know i might just be stupid and cant find out why, but I have looked. I know i can go in the launcher and select 2.1.0, but that is not the rec. build nor the default build. Could someone please answer this question it has been bothering me. I am not making this post to rush the Technic crew, and sorry if i offended someone so they deleted my post, but i don't see why it was. What happens for me is that 2.0 is the recommended build and launched by default. I am only making this post because I am confused.

    Also i have read the topic http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,3782.msg23291.html#msg23291 but that dosnt explain why 2.1 isn't the default/ rec. build

  2. Operating system: Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit

    Java Version: Java 7u3

    Antivirus: Bit defender

    Hi, So what is happening is When i start the launcher.exe The updater comes up, and says it is downloading the launcher, but the Progress bar never increases. It will go through steps 0-3 then closes, without the progress bars ever increasing. Nothing ever happens after. I tried the .jar and it did work, however the reason i am asking is because the .exe used to work, but now it doesn't. I have tried re installing java and restarting my computer but neither have worked. If anyone has a guess on how to fix this that would be nice. Dont put to much work into trying to find a fix, I just wanted to use the .exe because of the auto-updating. Thanks

    Also I am not sure if there is a way to get a log on what is happening, as there is nothing in the .techniclauncher file but a technic-launcher.jar.temp file

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