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Posts posted by basti78

  1. Application for a Staff Position by basti78 :

    Why do you want to be a Moderator/Admin?

    I realy enjoy it to help people, and this server really needs some more Ops. I also have What also would be a great addidion is that i live in Europe, wich would make the server more accesible to european players, as i think you guys are probably mostly americans/canadians.

    How many hours per week you think you can dedicate to the server?

    I am realy enyoing this server, so i think i'll be on quite much/ish

    Monday - Friday at least ca. 3 hours

    Saturday - Sunday at least 5-6 hours

    What experience do you have?

    I have been a Moderator on a few servers for quite some time, and not so long ago i was running my own server. It was medium sized, about 20 active people, was quite the stress some times, but really enjoyed it. Personally i think i have quite some experience on being a Mod etc. on Minecraft.

    What is your location?

    I live in Switzerland, wich is in Europe.

    Time Zone : GMT+1

    What is your age?

    I am currently 16 years old.

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