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About jonsey1989

  • Birthday 02/24/1989

jonsey1989's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. viper007bond resolved this. all you have to do (and im sorry for ripping it off) is download this .jar file ----> https://github.com/ForgeEssentials/...339d1f4fc0814a1d/lib/sqlite-jdbc.jar?raw=true then, place the file in the lib folder inside your tekkit server area where it show all the neat spiffy stuff.
  2. go into the permissions folder, and if itsy ou and friends only, turn all the false's to true.
  3. only in permissions. c++ is a great programing language, but there are so many bukkit permissions out there, and they are all different, but universally, if you want something off, its false, want something on, its true.
  4. best sugestion i have is to download c++ (you may have it) if its just you and your friends, replace false, with true, then restart your server!
  5. okay ty very much!
  6. i have downloaded my own server for tekkit lite, and loaded it to its own folder. however when i first came into the world, i could destroy things, however could not place anything (crafting table or even dirt) i checked in my server properties, and the game mode is 0 (survival) is there something i am doing wrong?
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