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Everything posted by sucer124

  1. what items did i give him access to? the only items he has access to is the miniture cleanroom i made *Dragon said ok as long as stuff stays there* #Also it would help to SHOW me what i did instead of me trying to figure it out it would help.
  2. correction pelon blammed me for him having banned items
  3. Hello, Ive been trying to contact you but its getting a pain. Ive been banned for doing nothing, Im tesla and Pelon blammed me for having banned items, Is that fair? NO its not. PELON SHOULD BE BANNED NOT ME! i cant even talk to someone becouse everyone thinks im horrible. IM NOT, i was blammed due to someone else being a *BLANK*
  4. Can i please talk to someone? im banned becouse pelon gets banned items and blames it on me. i dont give ANYONE banned items. the only time ive given something out is when a mod tells me to. so 50 dollors wasted becouse i was framed. Please unban me and ban Pelon.
  5. Then pelon had banned items i did not give him any, i also havent seen pelon in 2 months. i am not responsible and hes the one who should be in trouble not me >.> hes my friend but i still wouldent give him banned items. Atleast let me talk to someone and not wait a day for a response.
  6. notice rm furnaces MINE notice the condensors MINE pel has no banned items there mine. former admins: kellen and dragon etc have seen them before. there mine not pellons
  7. IGN : sucer123 Im Banned and i know why. you guys think i gave pel collectors. there mine not his. I own BOTH Island of tekkit isle and all banned stuff is mine it should be locked under MY Name. if its not im sorry and i will lock it.
  8. Atleast unban me and jail me so i can talk to a administrator
  9. Why am i banned? for giving out banned items? I Did no such Thing! im gone for a few weeks and come back banned
  10. In-Game Name: Sucer123 Age: 14 Experience with Tekkit: Kinda, I know my way around all the Machines And wires but require some Help Did you read the rules?: Yes
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