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Everything posted by bizzy401

  1. Age: 34 IGN (In Game Name): bizzy401 Why Do you want to Play on this Server? It seems like a well maintaned server that I could call home What Do you want to Build? I want to build a spaceship and explore!
  2. Real Name: Brett In-game Name: bizzy401 Age: 34 Time spent playing Modded Minecraft: 1000s of hours. Coming back to the game after about a 6 month break Reason I want to join: I am looking for a server that is on the latest version of Tekkit and saw the awesome picture of your space station. I ran around the server and it looks like a pretty good place to call home. If you have any other questions, just ask! -Brett
  3. Name: bizzy401 Age: 33 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): not now, maybe later Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Oh yeah what is the purpose of a macerator? to macerate? jk, to double ore output...or start the coal to diamond conversion Recommendations(if you been invited): Others things i should know: I love apple sauce
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