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About shakuvendell

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. It showed Minecraft Steve for a moment, and then generated a new PNG of my old skin's face. The icon, I believe, is being stored on technicpack.net. We'll probably have to go through the technicpack.net staff to get it fixed
  2. I think the issue is that his skin has successfully changed on minecraft.net, and works in-game, but, in the launcher, at the bottom-right corner, the account select icon still showing the face of his old skin. I'm having the same problem. The model in game is definitely showing a "Link, Hero of Time" skin, but the icon is still "The Cat-Boy, Mathew Gein"
  3. I can't remember how to change my little avatar to my new skin! The website dashboard profile settings are mainly just "Change password" How do I make the launcher show my new skin? Edit: I realized that this question was posed yesterday as well. There is no place on the Technic Platform to "Enter Skin Name" as the other guy's solution proposed, however it's up to the Moderators whether or not to delete my post. Keep it, kill it, whatever. I'll just watch other guy.
  4. I've located the issue. When the server was set up, my co-host had set up PermissionsEx, however, after the update, he erroneously failed to re-enable spawn permissions to the updated software. Admins hadn't been given spawning privileges. Thank you, BOTH of you for trying to help, but PLEASE! Next time, show a little constitution, and try not to return perceived insults with definite ones. how you respond to a statement is as important to good relations as the statement you are responding to. I'm letting it slide, because I know how minecraftians can be, and because grudges would make achieving better relations harder. Here's hoping we encounter again on better terms. Ciao!
  5. Yes, I am opped. It serves to reason that since it says, as I mentioned, cheat mode, that I am using the cheat mode toggle button. As far as I know, there's only one button in NEI Options that says Cheat mode, I meant no offense, But part of communication is Identifying, and aquiring, missing information before responding. there are far more rude things I could have done than ask him to be sure he understands the question before answering. However, I did not come here to be lectured for stating my opinions on common sense communication. the decision was yours to take offense to the aforementioned, And I'd prefer that the chat be not cluttered with more conflicts of opinion. I am opped, and I clicked the button to switch to cheat mode. It says Cheat Mode, but is still behaving in recipe mode. are there any other settings that could cause this?
  6. Please read before you post! It says it IS in cheat mode! hence, I clicked the icon! But it's still acting like its in recipe mode!
  7. Self explanitory! I cant find the line to enable cheat mode! And even when the icon does say cheat mode, It still loads the recipe when I click an item! and it doesn't spawn it either!
  8. What version of bukkit does tekkit use?
  9. I can't cut trees, as the title says. It surrounds the target block with a green frame, saying "First position set", and when the block breaks, it instantly reappears. any help would be hot... EDIT: It was Worldedit. The wooden axe is the default wand. use "//toggleeditwand" without quotes to disable, and use the wooden axe normally.
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