Ok i was just playing today on the server when i got major lag and my computer froze. I was flyingwith a jetpack and when i got lag i plummetted to my death in LAVA. At that time i was carrying 56 DIAMONDS, diamond shovel, pickaxe, and sword, an advanced machine block, machine block, 1 uranium, 36 refined iron, 20 iron, 6 lapotron crystals, 20 redstone, 64 glowwstone, a transmutation tablet, and advanced circuit, 7 copper cables and i know there was mor i just cant remember them. I either want an admin to please give me these items, you guys to restart the server to an earlier time, and if these cant be met i want a refund. I have asked for help from the mods but they say "oh well" and i find that as an insult. I would really like my stuff back so i can enhoy playing on your server and inviting my friends to play. Thank You.