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Everything posted by JakeyBoii

  1. Hey ill be joining the server now if its up :)
  2. Name - uwannafight Age - 16 Minecraft Exp - Around year and half Tekkit Exp - Very experienced in tekkit, been playing for around 2 months and im famillar with every mod Time on Mc Per day - Well im currently not in school so around 10-13 hours a day but wen in school it'll be between 6-10 Why you want to join? - Because im looking for a server with a small community not to many players and to have fun with other people
  3. Um i may have mispelled my IGn: Its uwannafight sorry bout that.
  4. Ign: Uwannaight Age:15 RFJ: Because a server i was admin on has shutdown perm due to funds and now im lookin for a diff server to play on with some friends and new friends Been Banned? : No that im aware of no.
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