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Delta 7x

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Posts posted by Delta 7x

  1. So, I'm new here and am have something that I was really curious about and couldn't really find a thread about so I hope someone has an answer;

    What are the colored names for? I see people with Purple names, Blue names, Yellow names and Red names. I know Blue and Red are Admin and Mod, but what are the other colors for, and how do you earn them? Are there other colors besides those that are obtainable?

  2. I thought Computer Craft was at 1.4 now? I might be wrong.

    Though I kinda agree here, I would love to see the Mods update, especially if there's new content or new methods of doing things.

    The only thing that I can come up with why it hasn't been updated yet might be because of any conflicts between the Mods or any bugs they are testing and trying to find patches for and things like that.

    (Thought I'm going to end up using your updated pack to see if there's any new stuff x3.. I don't follow the Mod Dev's.. I like to be surprised)

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