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Everything posted by SgtEagleFort

  1. Plus they wont replace anything unless they have "proof" that you actually lost the items and that you arent trying to pull a fast one
  2. It'll be bad for me and my town, we just finished building the town hall, which is huge, took us about an hour, plus I just added in a watermill system in my house as a back up energy generator, It cost me alot of materials to make that stuff
  3. Really not liking how long the server is being down, which means its not a basic restart. Please Lord, dont let there be another huge rollback.
  4. Of all times for the server to restart or go down, it had to be when I'm helping work on the townhall for my town. There better not be another huge rollback or I'm going to go insane
  5. ANd you get money by killing monsters and stuff, you wont get money every time but when you do you get quite a bit
  6. It says server is up but Im not whitelisted and I cant get in. Are Admins just on right now doing maintenance or something or whats happening?
  7. Wow ok, so someones about to give me redstone, I go to spawn to get it, and someone else picks it up and the server goes down. What kind of BS is that? This server just seems to be pissing me off more and more -__-
  8. Why must it constantly go down without warning. I enjoy the server but having it go down constantly is just ridiculous, I thought they got a new host.
  9. Nope still down, most likely wont be up till tomorrow, if it's even up then.
  10. Great news about the new host and everything, but do we know when the server will be back online?
  11. Ok this is just annoying, it's kinda hard to get stuff done on this server if we cant even play on it cuz it's down all the time. I'm also agreeing with Badass_Mexican, get a new hosting network or something.
  12. I'm knew to the server and everything, but restating a previous point, with the server going down every half hour or so, its a bit annoying, and right now as I type the server is currently down and has been for nearly an hour, I was underground mining, by a pool of lava, I'm going to be extremely upset if I get lagged into lava because of a unexpected server shut down.
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