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Everything posted by Juelz0312

  1. Goes to 82%, then to 80%, then up to 82%, then to 80%. It goes on. At least it doesn't explode. It's probably server lag, so thank you!
  2. Trying to make a particle accelerator, I made a tunnel 30x30. Everything is patched, and there aren't any holes. When I turn the particle accelerator on, it does go around perfectly, but when it reaches around 70%, it blows up. Why does it blow up?
  3. Hi, I tried making a private pack for my friends and I, but when downloaded, it does not load Forge! It does download the mods though, yet Forge does not load. Yes, I do have a modpack.jar with Forge inside it, maybe there's something in there I have to fix?
  4. Ok thank you!
  5. Oh I know how to do that. But how can I upload my modpack to the platform? Do I just put the link in the description?
  6. Really? I'm unable to find any directions. I'm probably blind. Can you tell me how I can make a modpack?
  7. This is a great modpack! How were you able to make this though?
  8. CCPlugin.jar must go into the plugins folder, not the mods folder. This worked for me!
  9. When I tried upgrading my Tekkit server 3.1.2 to 3.1.3, it crashes. I tried making a fresh map, and that worked, so it seems to be the map. Here is the error code, I hope you can help me. 15:24:25 [sEVERE] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: i c2.platform.NetworkManager.initiateTileEntityEvent(net.minecraft.src.TileEntity, int, boolean) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] at ic2.api.NetworkHelper.initiateTileEntityEvent(Network Helper.java:62) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] at ic2.advancedmachines.TileEntityAdvancedMachine.q_(Til eEntityAdvancedMachine.java:130) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:11 89) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServe r.java:559) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftSer ver.java:457) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(Sour ceFile:492) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: ic2.platform.Netwo rkManager.initiateTileEntityEvent(net.minecraft.src.TileEntity, int, boolean) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] at ic2.api.NetworkHelper.initiateTileEntityEvent(Network Helper.java:49) 15:24:25 [sEVERE] ... 5 more 15:24:25 [sEVERE] Unexpected exception java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: ic2.platform.Networ kManager.initiateTileEntityEvent(net.minecraft.src.TileEntity, int, boolean) at ic2.api.NetworkHelper.initiateTileEntityEvent(NetworkHelper.java:62) at ic2.advancedmachines.TileEntityAdvancedMachine.q_(TileEntityAdvancedM achine.java:130) at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1189) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:559) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:457) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492) Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: ic2.platform.NetworkManager.initiate TileEntityEvent(net.minecraft.src.TileEntity, int, boolean) at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source) at ic2.api.NetworkHelper.initiateTileEntityEvent(NetworkHelper.java:49) ... 5 more
  10. I meant that was forge the only part of modpack.jar, but it seems like there's more. D:
  11. Ok, but question is, is forge the only part of modpack.jar? I don't to damage anything.
  12. How can I manually update Buildcraft to 3.1.6?
  13. Whenever I try to look at an area with a lot of stuff, or something like a forest with a bunch of trees, it lags like hell. Is there anything I should upgrade? Only thing I can't upgrade is my intergrated graphics card >.<. Proccessors: Intel Core i3 2310M CPU @ 2.10 GHZ (4 of them) Ram: 16 GB Graphics: Intel HD Graphics Family
  14. I meant a plugin that makes beer brewing more easier. So I can have a beer storage with a certain designated beer. But it seems that there isn't, so k then.
  15. Ok, I'll try that out.
  16. Hi, for my server I want to make a area where you can pick up beer from the barrels, but then there's the long fermenting progress and in the end it may not end up well. So is there a plugin that can change what kind of beer barrel I want?
  17. Hi, whenever I play tekkit on a ramdisk with Sphax x64, it gets me about 5 fps, 10 if I'm lucky. If I switch to the normal texture pack, I get about 15 fps. How can I make this faster? Proccessors: IntelĀ® Corei3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz (4 of them) Ram: 16 GB Graphics: IntelĀ® HD Graphics Family If I need more info please tell me.
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