IGN: BlairBros
Age: 14, but don't let that dissuade you.
Project you plan to build: If it's ok with the admins, I would like to build a small city in the sky, with a small factory, a dock and some airships (maybe even moving ones with redpower frames)
Minecraft experience: I have known about Minecraft since Alpha, but only bought the game in Beta 1.7.3. Nevertheless, I have spent probably over a thousand hours playing, whether it is building giant monuments, seting up a factions base, making giant farms or playing around with redstone. My stongest aspects in vanilla Minecraft are probably building and redstone.
Tekkit experience: I have played Tekkit for not as long, only starting in version 3, but I have played probably close to 50 hours of it, and I love it. I know how to do everything in Equivalent Exchange, and I know a lot about IndustrialCraft, BuildCraft, Redpower and RailCraft.
Why you want to join the server: I would like to join the server for a few reasons. Number one is that this server, no lie, looks amazing and it is just the kind of server I want to play on. Secondly, I feel like I have a lot to offer to the server, as I think that I know a fair bit about some areas in tekkit which others don't, and I would love to share my knowledge with other people (and hopefully learns omenew things in the process ). Thirdly, a tekkit server I used to play on is down for some reason, but this server looks better than that one anyway.
Thanks for reading my application!