My ign is "zev11"
You can just call me Zev or Zee
I'm in Pacific timezone
I've been playing Minecraft for 2 years (just before 1.7), and I've been playing tekkit for a year or two.
I want to join because this server doesn't have Mystcraft (the worst addition to tekkit ever since buildcraft) and because I wanted to join a tekkit lite server.
I used to be a mod on a tekkit server (tekkitcrunch). I'm a pro at Redpower (to the point that I despise buildcraft) and I love making frame-powered airships, cars, boats, and bores. I want to populate the skies with my airships, the seas with boats, and the lands with tanks, because it's hard to find someone this good at Redpower frames. Ever since I started Redpower Framing, I wanted to make a fleet of airships, and fly over the world with some friends - and this is what I plan to do.
I'm 13 years old (been playing Minecraft for 2 years. Hence, zev11), I moved to California 2 years ago, but I'm originally from Boston.
Thank you.