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Everything posted by Spoom3

  1. My basis of that assessment is the admin on ServeredSkullz or something like that he banned me. And didnt break any of the rules Apparently he banned me cause me and my friend were typing the lyrics of a song in the chat
  2. My basis of that assessment is the admin on ServeredSkullz or something like that he banned me. And didnt break any of the rules Apparently he banned me cause me and my friend were typing the lyrics of a song in the chat
  3. Please add more slots to the server I cant connect the server is full :(
  4. Hi, Im making a tekkit server and need someone to code plugins for the server Here are some plugins i would like to get Essentials Towny Iconomy etc. If you are interested here is an application Name: Do u have Skype: Have you done similar work for other servers: Time Zone: Age: Skype name(if possible): If chosen what position would you like to fill on the server: Do you have experience with this position: How many hours are you on a day:
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