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Everything posted by cookielfs

  1. Blackie I f I donate again can I use all the kits again?
  2. M hi I would like to join if that's ok please reply my name is cookielfs I just wan't to build stuff and have fun
  3. Dear blackie a while a go I was griefed. A mod RE-did everything but said he couldn't get the iteams in the chest back. They were wooden chests. If you could spawn them in or something a long those lines I would be grateful.You are probaly wondering Why I did not tell an admin or you while online. Well it's because no one seemed to notice when I made a ticket or talked about it. If you can't get the recoreds of the iteams it gos a little somthing like this 2 teleporters a batbox 1 or 2 DM 3 or 4 RM 40 something diamonds cobble dirt wood class flint gravle iron gold copper redstone silver refined iron wires glass cables pipes convalence dust and some other things please reply thanks for reading
  4. I don't mean to complain but it's been down all day ): I need my tekkit fix.please must play tekkit..
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