I thought it best to put my issues and problems in one thread so I can laugh at myself later
I have setup a server with a host, at the moment it is limited to white list, maybe we will open to public one day but for now it will be a huge learning experience, the Admin side does not cause any concern having run a mud server for the last 14 years, it is different but the responsibility and hassle that come with being an op/gm/immortal is old news.
So on to my questions and please understand I am very grateful for any advice offered.
Op/Admin char, I learned early on in muds if I am to have any kind of player based fun in Tekkit I will need to keep my player character separate to my Admin otherwise things just bleed over and you end up spawning/shortcuts things and loose out on the fun of just being a player.
Am I right in thinking I will have to buy a separate account to create an admin char If I do not want my player char having op rights?
When the last person logs of a tekkit server does it instigate some kind of sleep mode and is there any way to keep the server live as in all my machines and fun stuff going while no one is on the server ?
The following question is a weird one to do with my wifes character.
she went to minecraft and uploaded a female texture all well and good then I installed the Glimmar steampunk pack, my avatar changed to the steam punk hd version but hers stayed at the LR version she uploaded, how do we set her system so her char is the default in the steampunk pack ?
We tried just setting her back to the default version on the website but that just meant she now looks like that in game not the default HD versions from the pack.