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About raging_llama

  • Birthday 07/12/1994

raging_llama's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. you keep your privileges/rank forever unless you do something stupid breaking the rules like griefing.
  2. well i don't know that much about programing and what not but they seem to be lua errors and the only mods i know use lua are computercraft and ccsensors. everything i have looked up suggests it is one of those two mods
  3. i just also want to point out another bug where your game would crash if you opened an alchemical chest with a bunch of tools in it. Happened to one of my chests and some other trainees' chest i think. Not a huge deal but it had never happened before
  4. IGN: raging_llama Age: 18 Suggestion for the server: make a wall or something that lists the useful commands. /help only does so much. Multiple resource portals (spread us out a bit more)? Make the rules easier to read, seriously that trippy rainbow tunnel with glass infront of signs is distracting.
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