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Posts posted by SakabaShogun

  1. I took a peek at the Essentials GroupManager example file from it's website, and noticed some slight differences that might be the cause of it. I've selected a bit of it below, to show you, the pasted yours right below it

      default: false
      permissions: []
      - default
      - g:essentials_builder
      - g:towny_moderator
       prefix: '&2'
       build: true
       suffix: ''
      default: true
      - default
       prefix: '&2'
       build: true
       suffix: ''

    After a blank Permissions line, it has [] <--those. Yours don't. Also, in the builder group you've entered an extra line after the blank permissions line. This may be throwing it off, and not letting it inherit the group you specified. I also noticed in the example file, some of the inheritance lines had "g:name" instead of just "name" but some had just "name"

    Also, it wouldn't hurt to try setting the Default group to Default: True and the Builder group to Default: False

    That way they are in the group with the actual permissions, not in a group that inherits them.

    If you do set Default to be the default group, be sure to also set them to Build: True if you wish for them to be able to build.

  2. So far it's looking like he doesn't want to release them. I'll keep trying, but he's a very stubborn man.

    He's also tried releasing one in the past, only to be hit hard by people accusing him of stealing the plugin from someone, but to date I've not seen anything like the ones he's made, plus I know for a fact he's made them.

  3. I'll talk to a friend of mine. He made a world guard add on that allows players to protect their own regions. It can also hook into any economy plugin to automatically charge them when they protect things (it won't allow them to go into negatives)

    He's made a few plugins to help server admins have an easier job, but hasn't published them

  4. Wait, there are people who still have Java 1.4.2 installed? You need to delete that shit and install Java 7.

    Alright, I already know I'm gonna sound retarded, but HOW.

    I've spent hours searching, talking with people, etc. We can't get Java to update!

  5. I vaguely remember reading something saying that SMP Mo' Creatures won't be back, and hasn't been updated since 1.8

    I swear to god, as soon as I get "good" at modding, I will try and SMP-ify it.

    Computer courses in college, video tutorials online.

    I'm trying my best, I swear.

  6. Thanks.

    Ah, might've been wrong. It seems like others are saying the solution is to update to java 7.

    definitely do that, I've noticed Technic and Tekkit run a lot smoother on jre7.


    Literally crashed every minute with jre6

    On jre7, i've had the same world loaded and running for over 24 hours straight now (Letting EE do its thing while I sleep is amazing)

  7. If it's your server, check the console. If it's a server-side error, you'll see the [severe] errors there.

    Copy them, and show us those.

    If there are no errors in the console, then it's a client-side error, and without a crash report, you're SoL

  8. Seems like a simple problem.

    i could be wrong, but you're pointing it in the wrong direction.


    I mean that part. This is where you tell the console to look for java. Unless you have Java.exe in your minecraft folder on the desktop, then you've got it wrong.

    if you have the PATH set up properly, just make it "java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar Tekkit.jar" without the quotes.

    if the PATH isn't set up, you'll have to direct it to the actual location of Java.exe

    on my computer the location is C:\Program Files\java\jre6\bin

    jre6 is just my current Java version. look in your programs files, find java, locate your version, and in that folder you'll see the bin folder.

    Java.exe is in that bin folder.

    right clicking on it will show you the directories for it.

    there are a few walkthroughs on youtube explaining it better than i could have.

    if you can't find one, i can probably record a quick one.

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