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Everything posted by Monokse

  1. It is funny how there are several users, who are obviously quite active on the forums, answering to this thread but the only thing you're doing is going on about how this guy did not read the rules and how he should be lucky that he did later before he got himself banned etc. Yet nobody seemed to take the slightest of interest in his actual problem (except for the second post). I wonder of what use that forum with all its rules was to him when its core use - to help and inform one another - is not fulfilled at all. (In this particular example) I meant no offense but I was just a bit annoyed by the way he was treated. And I have the same problem as he has. Tried to downgrade to Tekkit 2.1 with my old minecraft.jar version 1.1. The Technic Lauchner tried to download something from Minecraft.net until he gave me the same error message as mentioned above.
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