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Everything posted by Sangheili0158

  1. Im having the same problem. With Tekkit and Minecraft. Could they both be down?
  2. Just forget it. I don't recommend this server do to all the griefing and Owner saying "You don't get help b.c you play for free, Pay and you get help." Good day.
  3. Ruxed is like never on. Doesnt matter I was banned b.c i didnt pay. And i did run a server mc and tekkit. i got bored of it. never had griefers i couldnt handle.
  4. In playtime881 town the guy left his calling card ontop of some of the houses "G" I mean dont get me wrong I love the server but getting hit that hard it will take me along time to rebuild. thats not what happened to me. worldedit was used on my house in /warp house. and my house in playtime881 town wasnt blown it was ripped out of the ground and walls. like the rest of the town
  5. I tryed to post there and i tryed to talk to u guys on the server to let u know the email wont go thro so i can post on there.
  6. It was not my town. I was in Playtime881 and /warp house which is run by DistrictUnknown. Which is a ploted town. Im in the usa too. Dylanf said hes knew and doesnt know what to do. Daynal said that hawk eye is to shity to see who did it. Pete_Steel said he wont help unless i pay real money.
  7. No not that. The fact you would help us repair a town of 36plus people. Admin/Mod/Owner usaully help the people out when somehow someone goes into a protected town and takes everything we work so hard to make. then a admin town gets hit and u guys are like its w.e
  8. I didnt see it too. till u said something and went to look for it. lol
  9. Sometimes people give stuff to other people. Still doesnt mean that B.c they have DM that they can run a forcefeild
  10. Server sucks. Major town got griefed. So did the town at /warp house. Nothing was done. Admins and mods claim Hawk Eye is shity. Owner claims "You play for free you don't get help. You must donate to get help"
  11. ok ty guys. sorry for putting this in the wrong place. im new to the whole tekkit things
  12. ok so nothing is wrong with my tekkit thing then right?
  13. it says A r17 in the chat
  14. Launcher Version: Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit, 8GB RAM. 700 HD. Nvidia geforce with cuda. intel core i7 Java Version: Antivirus Program: Norton AntiVirus Description of Problem: I have a minecraft installed at 1.3.1. But when I did the tekkit download and luanched it it says im running with minecraft 1.2.5 and says in a chat log when i play singleplayer that im 5 verisons late and theres no way to update. Error Messages: 5 versions old. Error Log:
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