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About PiRatcollective

  • Birthday 03/19/1986

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, you can double the diamond output of a quarry by turning all of the coal into diamonds. Admittedly not so much in Big Dig, but every diamond counts when you're filling diamond chest after diamond chest with stuff from a dozen quarries. But as I said there are...other solutions. I'm not too angry about it, just a little...frustrated.
  2. Compressor's useful to make diamonds. With as many diamonds as BC seems to use (especially when they update logistic pipes) this is very useful. (I am trying to make diamonds via MineChem now but it's complicated.) Any suggestions?
  3. Perhaps I just don't want to rewrite my master scheme for the ultimate infinitely self expanding, self maintaining, completely automated, world eating super base. Perhaps dead is relative. If it's being maintained and will be updated to the next version of minecraft, then I can still use it in my plans as is. Not everything needs new features regularly to be useful. But if there are no plans for a stable release in the near future then I can rewrite my plans around it.
  4. Still I wouldn't call IC2 'dead' just a little on the slow side.
  5. I found a link to the Jenkins site where IC2 Development is currently ongoing (http://ic2api.player.to:8080/). They may have not released recently but their development is producing working builds. Perhaps if someone wanted to add it they could just try to get it there? (I cannot attest to the stability of builds found there.)
  6. The forge lexicon only shows me 2, Thermal Expansion at 2200 (was 2001) and one at 254:5, 254 appears as Ruby Ore, 254:5 doesn't show up in NEI. Edit: 254:5 works fine for copper, It appears the RP Ores are there but have been concentrated into 254:x and don't show up in NEI. None of the other mods' copper appear but that's ok, RP copper generates just fine as do the other ores. Edt: I just tried to remake my first world (with every ore available) using the 254s instead of the 2200s, the 254s worked like a charm but The unique ores (lead and ferrous) I had to use the 2200's, and they didn't come out at all. Huh they just don't like being generated in a superflat. Oh well, no big loss.
  7. To try to solve this problem I changed the copper ore in the IC2 config file to an open ID. I tried to enter that block ID into the superflat world generator, but it came back as air. It appears that thermal expansion is overriding all other copper ores. Edit: Tried to remove thermal expansion. now I have no copper ores.
  8. Title: Problem with superflat and copper ore Version: 0.5.1 OS: Windows 7 Professional 64bit Java Version: 1.7.0_17 Description of Problem: I am having a major problem with creating a superflat world. I tried to create a superflat world with layers of all the ores from within the tekkit lite pack. I did a bit of searching to find which of the copper ores was being used (as the various mods seem to have different copper ores but NEI only shows one). After pinning down which IDs to use I created my world. It was extremely laggy and at some point simply stopped generating new chunks. I dug down to try to see if all the layers had generated properly. When I hit the copper ore layer (after a layers of iron, coal, sand, and gravel) I didn't find copper ore. Instead I found some sort of weird machine I couldn't destroy, even in creative. I went back tried to generate a world with just one layer of bedrock, one layer of copper ore and one layer of grass. It wasn't nearly as laggy but the copper ore had once again been replaced by the same machines. Thinking that this might be an ID conflict, I then tried to change the ID of the copper ore block (I had found it in Thermal Expansion at ID 2001). After trying several times to change the ID and failing (it either gave me a ID conflict error or just froze), I finally found that 2200 worked, well it created a new world anyways. When I dug down to the copper again, instead of copper I found Automated Crafting Tables. Completely different IDs. I have no idea what is happening at this point. At the time i first encountered this error I had added railcraft separately, but have since reloaded a Tekkit Lite fresh and produced the same results. Error Messages: None Error Log:
  9. There's only one listed in NEI.
  10. I am having a major problem with creating a superflat world. I tried to create a superflat world with layers of all the ores from within the tekkit lite pack. I did a bit of searching to find which of the copper ores was being used (as the various mods seem to have different copper ores but NEI only shows one). After pinning down which IDs to use I created my world. It was extremely laggy and at some point simply stopped generating new chunks. I dug down to try to see if all the layers had generated properly. When I hit the copper ore layer (after a layers of iron, coal, sand, and gravel) I didn't find copper ore. Instead I found some sort of weird machine I couldn't destroy, even in creative. I went back tried to generate a world with just one layer of bedrock, one layer of copper ore and one layer of grass. It wasn't nearly as laggy but the copper ore had once again been replaced by the same machines. Thinking that this might be an ID conflict, I then tried to change the ID of the copper ore block (I had found it in Thermal Expansion at ID 2001). After trying several times to change the ID and failing (it either gave me a ID conflict error or just froze), I finally found that 2200 worked, well it created a new world anyways. When I dug down to the copper again, instead of copper I found Automated Crafting Tables. Completely different IDs. I have no idea what is happening at this point. At the time i first encountered this error I had added railcraft separately, but have since reloaded a Tekkit Lite fresh and produced the same results. Anybody know of a solution for this? Anybody know which mod might be responsible? Who do I submit the bug report to?
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