Title: Problem with superflat and copper ore
Version: 0.5.1
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64bit
Java Version: 1.7.0_17
Description of Problem:
I am having a major problem with creating a superflat world. I tried to create a superflat world with layers of all the ores from within the tekkit lite pack. I did a bit of searching to find which of the copper ores was being used (as the various mods seem to have different copper ores but NEI only shows one). After pinning down which IDs to use I created my world.
It was extremely laggy and at some point simply stopped generating new chunks. I dug down to try to see if all the layers had generated properly. When I hit the copper ore layer (after a layers of iron, coal, sand, and gravel) I didn't find copper ore. Instead I found some sort of weird machine I couldn't destroy, even in creative.
I went back tried to generate a world with just one layer of bedrock, one layer of copper ore and one layer of grass. It wasn't nearly as laggy but the copper ore had once again been replaced by the same machines. Thinking that this might be an ID conflict, I then tried to change the ID of the copper ore block (I had found it in Thermal Expansion at ID 2001). After trying several times to change the ID and failing (it either gave me a ID conflict error or just froze), I finally found that 2200 worked, well it created a new world anyways. When I dug down to the copper again, instead of copper I found Automated Crafting Tables. Completely different IDs. I have no idea what is happening at this point.
At the time i first encountered this error I had added railcraft separately, but have since reloaded a Tekkit Lite fresh and produced the same results.
Error Messages:
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