Hi I’m fairly new to tekkit servers but I have an issues with chunks updating when there are no players around or when the server is empty. If I start a quarry and logoff and then log back on in the morning the quarry is finished.
I am running tekkit 1.3.2 without any changes to the mods.
I have the following plugins installed.
Wormhole Xtreme
Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn
If the server is empty and I run /mem I get this
21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO World "world2": 627chunks,292entities
21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO World "world_the_end": 674chunks,11entities
21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Nether "world_nether": 674chunks,87entities
21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO World "world": 504chunks,56entities
21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Free memory: 486 MB
21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Allocated memory: 995 MB
21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Maximum memory: 995 MB
21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Current TPS = 20.0
Any help would be appreciated.